Event Archives
'Love, Loss and What I Wore'
Beauty in the Ordinary
The National Willa Cather Center welcomes photographer Richard Dickson of the United Kingdom as artist in residence from July 2 to August 12, 2019. Throughout his stay in Red Cloud, Dickson will create a body of photographic artwork pertaining to the Cather sites and the scenic landscapes in Webster County. The new work created as a result of this residency will be shown in a gallery exhibit titled Beauty in the Ordinary.
On displAY
August 9 to September 30, 2019
artist lecture and reception
Friday, August 9, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Missoula Children's Theatre Presents Pinocchio
Andrea von Kampen
17th International Willa Cather Seminar
Spring Conference Banquet and 'A Little Pleasure'
Please join us for the Spring Conference banquet and the debut of, A Little Pleasure, a new work, adapted for the stage by Julia Hinson from Cather’s short fiction, criticism, and biography.
The enchanting sound of English handbells will enliven the Grace Episcopal service in Red Cloud on Saturday, June 1 at 8:30 a.m. An ensemble group of Bell-issimo, an auditioned community handbell choir of Lincoln, makes its Red Cloud debut as part of Spring Conference. The bell choir will begin playing at approximately 8:15 a.m. There is no charge to attend the service, but seating is limited. Priority seating will be given to registered conference attendees.
Homecoming & Horizons
Join us as we celebrate the return of the Willa Cather State Historic Sites, the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Collection, and unveil a new vision for our future. Highlights will include:
3:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Welcome and remarks
64th Annual Spring Conference: Willa Cather and the Theater
Impact Willa Cather
The Red Cloud Opera House is thrilled to collaborate with Impact Nebraska, a juried group of nationally-known artists living and working in Nebraska, to present Impact Willa Cather! This brand new fine arts exhibit features works inspired by Willa Cather's own words and paired with a brief descriptor—perhaps it shares an artistic technique, tells a story, gives insight into the artist's world, or provides the source of inspiration from Cather's writing.
On display
May 29 to August 7, 2019