The Willa Cather Foundation is a not-for-profit organization created in 1955 that owns and operates the National Willa Cather Center and the nation's largest collection of nationally-designated historic sites dedicated to an American author.

The National Willa Cather Center, in addition to curating fine arts exhibitions in the Red Cloud Opera House gallery, curates special exhibits that further explore topics related to Willa Cather and her writing. A blend of historical images, archival papers, museum objects and interpretive text , these exhibits offer a deeper understanding of Cather's historical moment, her career, and her influences.
John William Boone & Cather
John William Boone & Cather
Serena's Album
Serena's Album
Music in Cather's Writing
Music in Cather's Writing
American Bittersweet: The Life & Writing of Willa Cather
American Bittersweet: The Life & Writing of Willa Cather