Event Archives

Plain Views: Pastel and Photography

Art Gallery:
Brother and sister duo Kathleen Lohr and Rick Rasmussen present a unique view of Central Nebraska through portraiture and picture in "Plain Views: Pastel and Photography."

Kids Build the Future! A Play about Place and Possibility

Join us for a very special performance featuring area children in this exciting and innovative collaboration with Blixt Locally Grown and The Valley Child Development Center! Children will spend the week of July 12–16 at the child development center working with theater artists from Blixt, and they will share what they learned with the community at the Red Cloud Opera House on Friday, July 16 at 6:00 p.m. during a special performance.

Lynn R. Wolfe: A Retrospective

Art Gallery:
The National Willa Cather Center is honored to remember the legacy of Red Cloud-born artist Lynn Wolfe in a posthumous retrospective.