National Willa Cather Center News

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Visit this page often for the latest Cather-related news as well as information about the Willa Cather Foundation's programs, collections, and events.

Program Associate Wanted

September 28, 2022
Interested in contributing to all aspects of program and event planning, art exhibits, and engaging with the public, at a team-based cultural nonprofit?

Annotations From the Archives: Fan Mail

August 22, 2022

Our archives are home to not only Willa Cather’s letters, but to many of the letters that she received from her fans! Running the gamut from high school students to state politicians, Cather’s readers wrote to share their love for her writing and, often, the personal connections they felt to the subject matter. Cather herself saved many of these letters, sharing them with friends and family when she found them inspiring or her correspondents particularly interesting.