National Willa Cather Center News

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Visit this page often for the latest Cather-related news as well as information about the Willa Cather Foundation's programs, collections, and events.

Our Real Stars—Get to Know Our Volunteers!

August 10, 2020

We are so grateful to our volunteers for the support and the joy that they bring!

Our volunteers are a large and growing number of dedicated people who want to give back to the National Willa Cather Center—and the Red Cloud community—by assisting at Red Cloud Opera House events, in the bookstore, gardening, tea towel embroidering, and in so many other ways.

This year we have begun to profile our diverse group of volunteers through our Red Cloud Opera House e-newsletter and our social media pages [those profiles are also listed—and linked—below].

Students Braxton Benes and Alise Perault Join the Willa Cather Foundation as Summer Interns—Remotely!

June 25, 2020

Despite the staffing difficulties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Willa Cather Center was able to reconfigure two summer internships to be entirely remote while still giving each intern valuable museum work experience. Our two interns this summer are Alise Perault and Braxton Benes, and they are working on assessing our educational resources, as well as revising our walking tour brochure, and prairie signage. Both Alise and Braxton have a passion for learning and museum work, and we thought it would be fun to share a little bit about them.