Event Archives
Virtual Author Series: Chris Harding Thornton
Spend an evening with Nebraska author Chris Harding Thornton as she reads from her debut novel, Pickard County Atlas.
Animal Engine Theatre Company presents "Henrietta Solway"
In 2021, the National Willa Cather Center commissioned Animal Engine Theatre Company to create
66th Annual Willa Cather Spring Conference
We will explore Willa Cather's work in relation to newspapers and magazines during this virtual conference and with select on-site activities.
Willa Cather and Her Illustrators
“The illustration of books, and even more of magazines,
may be said to have been born in our time, so far as
variety and abundance are the signs of it . . . .”
Henry James, Picture and Text (1893)
Virtual Author Series: James Kimble
Join us for a fascinating conversation with 2021 One Book One Nebraska author James Kimble!
Memories in Light and Shadow: Paintings Inspired by the Art and Life of Willa Cather
This exhibition showcases the work of artist Karen Vierneisel in which she explores the themes and settings of Cather's novels and the places she knew during her lifetime.
Virtual Author Series: Dr. Charles Johanningsmeier & Karim Muasher
Join 66th annual Willa Cather Spring Conference Academic Director Dr. Charles Johanningsmeier and Karim Muasher, Co-Artistic Director of Animal Engine Theatre Company, for a conversation about creating new work from Willa Cather's periodical texts. This talk is a great opportunity to connect with Spring Conference leadership and performers as they share their process for adapting serialized Cather texts into a theatrical performance, as well as how Cather's relationship with popular print media informs literary scholarship.
Trick Roper Joan Wells
Join us as Joan Wells, Women's World Champion Trick Roper, presents a unique performance of roping tricks just like those seen in the early Wild West shows and rodeos.
Dr. Melissa J. Homestead in Conversation with Alex Ross
Please join us virtually for this highly-anticipated preview event. Buy your ticket early and pre-order the book here.
Cranes & Cather: Migration in Life and Literature
Join us in person or virtually—from dawn until dusk—for a deep dive into the natural and literary realm of Cather Country.