Event Archives

Willa Cather and Her Illustrators

Art Gallery:

“The illustration of books, and even more of magazines,
may be said to have been born in our time, so far as
variety and abundance are the signs of it . . . .”
Henry James, Picture and Text (1893)

Virtual Author Series: Dr. Charles Johanningsmeier & Karim Muasher

Special Events:

Join 66th annual Willa Cather Spring Conference Academic Director Dr. Charles Johanningsmeier and Karim Muasher, Co-Artistic Director of Animal Engine Theatre Company, for a conversation about creating new work from Willa Cather's periodical texts. This talk is a great opportunity to connect with Spring Conference leadership and performers as they share their process for adapting serialized Cather texts into a theatrical performance, as well as how Cather's relationship with popular print media informs literary scholarship.

Trick Roper Joan Wells

Opera House:
Join us as Joan Wells, Women's World Champion Trick Roper, presents a unique performance of roping tricks just like those seen in the early Wild West shows and rodeos.