Finding Aids
The National Willa Cather Center houses one of the nation’s largest collections of materials related to the life and works of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Willa Cather. Our museum and archival collections, housed in Cather's hometown of Red Cloud, Nebraska, containing memorabilia, artifacts, historic photographs, art and decorative arts, journals, and rare book collections, as well as items belonging to Willa Cather like letters, clothing, jewelry, artwork, manuscripts, address books, journals, and sales ledgers for her novels, as well as hundreds of objects that belonged to the Cather family. Click here to explore individual objects in the collection!
For a broad view of the collections, finding aids are available for the collections below. A PDF file is available for download.
Betty Kort Collection
Date range: 1762-1973
Bulk dates: 1918-1943
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2015
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: Two boxes
Abstract: The Betty Kort Collection was donated by Willa Cather descendants James and Angela Southwick and contains documents and personal effects belonging to Charles and Virginia Cather, Willa Cather, and family members.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection came to the WCF in 2008, deposited by James and Angela Southwick.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Betty Kort Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- short stories
- Cather genealogy
- Willa Cather personal effects
Related Materials:
- Southwick Rare Book Collection
- Southwick Family Collections
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Object Type | Inventory No. | Title | Author | Obj. Date |
Document | TX-50-1000-001 | Property Deed to J. Smith | Lord Fairfax |
1762 |
Document | TX-50-1000-002 | Property Deed Adjacent to Jeremiah Smith | Light Horse Henry Lee | 1792 |
Document | TX-50-1000-003 | Framed transcript of TX-50-1000-002 | ||
Notebook | OBJ-50-1000-004 | Notebook | Douglass Cather | |
Journal | OBJ-50-1000-005 | Journal | Charles F. Cather | |
Journal | OBJ-50-1000-006 | Journal | Charles F. Cather | |
Document | OBJ-50-1000-007 | Property Deed to Jeremiah Smith | 1793 | |
Ephemera | OBJ-50-1000-008 | "The Truth About Horace" Poem Written Inside Book Cover | Eugene Field | |
Financial Document | OBJ-50-1000-009 | Money order to Willa Cather | ||
Document | OBJ-50-1000-010 | Legal document | James Cather | 1875 |
Ledger | OBJ-50-1000-011 | Estate of James Cather | ||
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-012 | Letter from Virginia Relatives to Charles Cather | ||
Financial Document | TX-50-1000-013-1 | James Cather Treasurer Notes | 1875-1876 | |
Financial Document | TX-50-1000-13-2 | Loan Documents | 1874, 1869 | |
Financial Document | TX-50-1000-13-3 | Checks from City National Bank, Lincoln | 1900 | |
Newspaper | TX-50-1000-014 | Newspaper Clippings About Princeton Honorary Degree | ||
Watercolor sketch | TX-50-1000-015 | Grand Manan Watercolor | Edith Lewis | |
Photograph | OBJ-50-1000-016 | Willa Cather | ||
Document | Tx-50-1000-017 | Articles of Indenture | ||
Document | TX-50-1000-018 | Jeremiah Smith's Will | ||
Document | TX-50-1000-019 | Grand Lodge Application | Douglass Cather | |
Document | TX-50-1000-020 | Boak Birth and Death Records | ||
Document | TX-50-1000-021 | Receipt | James Cather | 1870 |
Financial Document | TX-50-1000-022 | |||
Currency | TX-50-1000-023 | Collection of Confederate Money | 1860s | |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-024 | Photocopy of Letter to Helen Cather Southwick | Willa Cather | 1943 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-025 | Photocopy of Letter to Helen Cather Southwick | Willa Cather | 1943 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-026 | Photocopy of Letter to Helen Cather Southwick | Willa Cather | 1946 |
Document | TX-50-1000-027 | "Seats of the Mighty" by Gilbert Parker, inscribed | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-028 | Letters to Charles F. Cather | Mary Virginia Cather | n/d |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-029 | Letters to Mary Virginia Cather | Charles F. Cather | n/d |
Photograph | PHO-50-1000-030 | Grosvenor P. Cather's Grave in France | unknown | circa 1920 |
Photograph | PHO-50-1000-031 | Woman at Grand Manan | unknown | |
Photograph | PHO-50-1000-032 | Cather Nieces and Jessica Cather Auld and Mary Virginia Cather | unknown | |
Document | TX-50-1000-033 | Agreement, C.W. Cather & Heirs | ||
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-034 | Letter to Cather Family | S.A. Smith | 1907 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-035 | Charles Cather Business Christmas Card | ||
Document | TX-50-1000-036 | Barnum documents | 1856 | |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-037 | Letter to Charles F. Cather | Douglass Cather | |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-038 | Two letters to Helen Cather Southwick | Fanny Butcher | 1971, 1973 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-039 | Envelope with Willa Cather handwriting | Charles F. Cather | 1927 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-040 | Envelopes from Gore, Virginia, to C.F. Cather | 1907 | |
Document | TX-50-1000-041 | Photocopies of 28 and 29 | ||
Newspaper | TX-50-1000-043 | Charles F. Cather Obituary | Commercial Advertiser | 1928 |
Document | TX-50-1000-044 | Charles F. Cather Death Certificate | 1928 | |
Document | TX-50-1000-045 | Platt & Frees Legal Agreement | Charles F. Cather | 1891 |
Document | TX-50-1000-046 | George Hutchison Probate | ||
OBJ-50-1000-047 | Dos Banderos Oil | |||
Document | TX-50-1000-048 | Indenture | Sidney Cather Gore | |
Document | TX-50-1000-049 | George Cather Lease | George Smith | |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-050 | "The Diamond Mine," McClure's | Willa Cather | 1916 |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-051 | Willa Cather Centennial Concert | ||
Clipping | TX-50-1000-052 | Princeton degree | New York Herald Tribune | 1931 |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-053 | Dorothy Canfield Fisher | New York Herald Tribune | 1933 |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-054 | Review of April Twilights | Pittsburg Gazette | 1903 |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-055 | "The Conversion of Sum Loo" | The Library | |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-056 | Review of Shadows on the Rock | New York Time Book Review | 1931 |
Clipping | TX-50-1000-057 | Cather article | The Nation | 1923 |
Cosmetics | OBJ-50-1000-058 | Lipstick case | ||
Writing equipment | OBJ-50-1000-059 | Pen holder | ||
Personal objects | OBJ-50-1000-060-1 | Small metal purse | ||
Personal objects | OBJ-50-1000-060-2 | Small metal purse | ||
Jewelry | OBJ-50-1000-061 | Gold snake ring | ||
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-062 | Letter to C. F. Cather | Charles Moore | 1921 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-063 | Letter to Helen Cather Southwick | Willa Cather | 1939 |
Camera | OBJ-50-1000-064 | Edith Lewis's camera with cable release | ||
Ledger | OBJ-50-1000-065 | Log of sales accounts for novels | Willa Cather, Edith Lewis | |
Document | OBJ-50-1000-066 | C.F. Cather shares in Big Chief Oil | ||
Map | TX-50-1000-067 | Plot map of George Smith land | 1793 | |
Docume9t | TX-50-1000-068 | Rental agreement | 1840 | |
Document | TX-50-1000-069 | Charles F. Cather biography | ||
Stationery | OBJ-50-1000-070 | Willa Cather's Address Book | Willa Cather | |
Journal | OBJ-50-1000-071 | C. F. Cather journal of trip to Colorado and New Mexico | Charles Cather | 1872 |
Correspondence | TX-50-1000-072 | Photocopy of letter to H. C. Southwick | Willa Cather | 1939 |
Blanche Cather Ray Collection
Date range: ____________
Bulk dates: 1878-1921
Finding Aid created by Lucy Koenig and Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2023 Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: Nine boxes
Abstract: The Blanche Cather Ray Collection was acquired by the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial & Education Foundation in the 1990s and contains documents belonging or related to George and Frances Smith Cather, William and Emily Ann Caroline Cather, Wallace and Blanche Cather Ray, Grosvenor P. and Myrtle Bartlett Cather, and the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: Forthcoming.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Blanche Cather Ray Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Homestead records
- Cather genealogy
- Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
- journals
- building records
- financial instruments
Related Materials:
- Southwick Rare Book Collection
- Southwick Family Collections
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Storage Unit | Object Type | Inv. No. | Title | Author | Object Date |
Box 4 | Journal | OBJ-250-391-001 | Journal | George P. Cather | 1868 |
Journal | OBJ-250-391-002 | Journal | George P. Cather | 1869 | |
Journal | OBJ-250-391-003 | Trip to Virginia 1906 | George P. Cather | 1906 | |
Journal | OBJ-250-391-004 | Trip to Virginia | George P. Cather | 1931-1932 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-005 | Outgoing, Grosvenor P. Cather | Grosvenor P. Cather | 1905 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-006 | Incoming, Grosvenor P. Cather | Browning Bros., Myrtle Bartlett, State of Nebraska, Grand Island College | 1898-1910 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-007 | Outgoing, George P. Cather | George P. Cather | 1926-1930 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-008 | Incoming, Frances Smith Cather | Mrs. Beck Chapsman | 1879 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-009 | Incoming, Frances Smith Cather | J.E. Young, E.J. Peterson | 1901-1910 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-010 | Incoming, Frances Smith Cather | Astrid Stav, Franc Lea, Beka Damelson, A.B. Chandler, etc. | 1911-1920 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-011 | Letters to Frances Smith Cather | Blanche Cather Ray | 1913-1914 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-012 | Letters to Frances Smith Cather | Frank Cather | 1914 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-013 | Incoming, George P. Cather | Emily Ann Caroline Smith Cather | undated | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-014 | Incoming, George P. Cather | Alverna Cather Payne, William Cather, Charles Cather, W.M. Windle, D. Powell, etc. | 1870-1880 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-015 | Incmoing, George P. Cather | Charles Cather, Swihert, William Smith | 1881-1900 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-016 | Incoming, George P. Cather | D. Powell, J.E. Young, Peoples' Bank of Red Cloud, E.J. Peterson, Charles Spence, F.C. Taylor & Co., Baeless, Bender, etc. | 1901-1910 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-017 | Incoming, George P. Cather | Citizens Lumber Co, Boom Brothers, Geo. F. Smith | 1911-1920 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-018 | Incoming, George P. Cather | Clarence A. Davis, Emmanuel Prettyman, A.B. Nestor, Vaughn Lewis, W.C. Miller, Mabelle Lewis | 1921-1928 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-019 | Incoming, George P. Cather | Powell family, O.C. Justus, Minnie Marris Gore, Carrie Cather Lindgren | 1929-1932 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-020 | Incoming Political Letters, George P. Cather | Chaffin, Turner, Keeney, Republican County Comm., W.E. Andrews, Clarence A. Davis, H. E. Sackett | 1904-1926 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-021 | Incoming Receipts, George P. Cather | F.C. Taylor & Co, Evening Star, Ed Fitzgerald, Chicago House Wrecking Co., Woolstenholm & Sterne | 1904-1909 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-022 | Land Tracts | Burlington Railroad | 1878-1883 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-023 | Warranty Deeds to George Cather | Amos Hills, James Collier, William Cather, Adda C. Pearne | 1878-1900 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-024 | Warranty Deeds to William Cather | Hugh G. Minnix, George Wheat, Edward Kellogg, George O. Yeiser | 1879-1886 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-025 | Warranty Deed to E.A. Caroline Cather | Charles Janson | 1891 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-026 | Homestead Record of Amos Hills | U.S. Land Office | 1878 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-027 | Homestead Record of James McHugh | U.S. Land Office | 1879 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-028 | Homestead Record of George T. Wheat | U.S. Land Office | 1883 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-029 | Homestead Record of James Collier | U.S. Land Office | 1885 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-030 | Homestead Records of George P. Cather | U.S. Land Office | 1885-1890 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-031 | Mortgage Deed to William Cather | Webster County | 1885 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-032 | Mortgage Deeds to E.A. Caroline Cather | Webster County | 1889-1893 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-033 | Title Certificate to George P. Cather | Webster County | 1890 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-034 | Release of Mortgage to Charles Jansen | Webster County | 1891 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-035 | Deed to Jasper Cather | Mr. Blackburn | 1779 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-036 | Deed from Jasper Cather | Jasper Cather | 1782-1798 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-037 | Misc. Burlington Railroad Documents | Land Dept., B&M R.R. | 1878 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-038 | Letter to Charles Cather | Burlington & Missouri River Railroad | 1882 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-039 | Letter to George P. Cather | Land Dept., Burlington & Missouri River Railroad | 1876-1883 | |
Correspondence | TEX-250-391-040 | Deed to R. Gayton Lewis | Burlington & Missouri River Railroad | 1878 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-041 | Deed to E. A. Caroline Cather | Burlington & Missouri River Railroad | 1888 | |
Financial | TEX-250-391-042 | George P. Cather Tax Receipts | Treasurer's Office, Webster County | 1879-1882 | |
Financial | TEX-250-391-043 | William and Charles F. Cather Tax Receipts | Treasurer's Office, Webster County | 1882-1888 | |
Financial | TEX-250-391-044 | E.A. Caroline Cather Tax Receipts | Treasurer's Office, Webster County | 1889-1898 | |
Financial | TEX-250-391-045 | G. Johnson Tax Receipt | Treasurer's Office Webster County | 1883 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-046 | Abstracts for George P. Cather | Charles F. Cather | 1890-1900 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-047 | Land Abstracts | Fort Abstract Co. | 1891, 1911 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-048 | Lease for A.J. Dake | Caroline Cather | 1888 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-049 | Certificate of Appointment of E.A. Caroline Cather | James Duffy | 1899 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-050 | Letters of Administration & Oath to George P. Cather | James Duffy | 1901 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-051 | Proof of Heirship, E.A. Carolina Cather | Webster County, Nebraska | 1901 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-052 | Bill of Sale, Bentley to Cather | R. M. Bentley | 1880 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-053 | Financial Agreements, Clark Cather and George P. Cather | 1878-1882 | ||
Document | TEX-250-391-054 | Misc. Land Records | William Cather, M. Chapman | 1878-1885 | |
Notebook | OBJ-250-391-055 | Genealogy notebooks | undated | ||
Notebook | OBJ-250-391-056 | Census copies | George P. Cather | 1929 | |
Notebook | OBJ-250-391-057 | William and Elizabeth Cather compilation | George Cather Ray | 1963 | |
Notebook | OBJ-250-391-058 | Descendents of Jasper Cather | |||
Document | TEX-250-391-059 | Genealogy Documents | Smith and Hook | 1833,1940 | |
Document | TEX-250-391-060 | Abstract of Title, Aleck Arneson | Webster County Abstract Co. | 1971-1982 | |
Book | BK-250-391-061 | Remembrance of the World's Columbian Exposition | 1893 | ||
Document | TEX-250-391-062 | Plat of B&M Railroad Lands | Burlington & Missouri River Railroad co. | 1880 | |
Ephemera | TEX-250-391-063 | Miscellaneous documents, advertisements, tickets | |||
Oversized | Map | TEX-250-391-064 | Township maps | Webster County, Nebraska | circa 1930 |
Oversized | Map | TEX-250-391-065 | Webster County Map | Burlington & Missouri River Railroad | 1878 |
Oversized | Journal | TEX-250-391-066 | Material for House 1906-1907 | George P. Cather | 1908 |
NWCC Microfilm Collection
Date range: 1871–1963
Bulk dates: 1880–1923
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2019
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: Thirteen publications of varying dates ranging from 1871-1963, focused around Willa Cather’s location and/or writing and career, plus microfilm of Willa Cather’s scrapbooks and microfilm of Willa Cather and Cather family correspondence.
Abstract: The NWCC Microfilm Collection contains several Red Cloud newspapers, including The Nation, The Golden Belt, Red Cloud Republican, Webster County Argus, the Commercial Advertiser, and Red Cloud Chief. Additionally, the following publications from the times of Cather’s association with them are available on microfilm: The Index of Pittsburg Life, The Library, The Home Monthly, The People’s Monthly, Willa Cather articles from The Nebraska State Journal, and the Pittsburg Leader. Also within the collection are The History of Webster County by Edyth Beezley and two rolls of Cather family correspondence dated 1870–1979.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection was digitized in the 1980s by the Nebraska State Historical Society.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item], date, reel (if numbered), NWCC Microfilm Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Special Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska
- settlement
- Willa Cather
- Silas Garber
- agriculture
- Webster County history
- Pittsburg history
- literature and criticism
- arts & culture
- domestic life
The Nation (Red Cloud) | 7/13/1892 to 3/12/1908 |
The Golden Belt (Red Cloud) | 5/5/1893 to 10/13/1896 |
Red Cloud Republican | 9/13/1889 to 8/22/1890 |
Webster County Argus | 3/10/1891 to 8/21/1930 |
The Commercial Advertiser | 5/1/1908 to 10/3/1968 |
The Red Cloud Chief | 10/1/1873 to 11/22/1923 |
The Index of Pittsburg Life | 10/6/1900 to 1/4/1902 |
The Library | 3/10/1900 to 9/1/1900 |
The Home Monthly | 8/1/1896 to 10/1/1900 |
The People's Monthly | 6/1/1871 to 3/1/1875 |
Pittsburg Leader | 12/29/1896 to 1/11/1904 |
Related Materials: The NWCC also holds a number of bound volumes of McClure’s Magazine, Ladies Home Journal, and other serial publications that include the works of Willa Cather.
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Mildred Bennett Collection
Date range: 1932-1989
Bulk dates: 1949-1989
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2020
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: Approximately 50 linear feet of Mildred Bennett's book collection and 50 document boxes.
Abstract: The Mildred Bennett Collection documents the organizational and scholarly work of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial’s founder, Mildred Rhoads Bennett. The collection contains correspondence and organizational history related to the creation of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial, early Cather scholarship and publications, and the life and writings of Mildred Rhoads Bennett. The collection also contains numerous volumes of books, written by Cather and her associates, Nebraska authors, and authors mentioned by Cather by name. Photographs in the collection document 1950s Webster County land and historic buildings, as well as the early activities of the WCPM. Research materials in the collection include notes from oral histories collected by Bennett and John March, transcripts of Cather letters, genealogy, and more.
Language: The material is in English.
Acquisition Information: This collection came to the WCF in 2008, deposited by James and Angela Southwick.
Access Restrictions: This collection is open to research and publication uses, except as prohibited by donor restrictions and the NWCC Access Policy.
Cite as: [item or box name or #], Mildred Bennett Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Willa Cather
- Edith Lewis
- Cather family
- Webster County history
- Cather scholarship and research notes
- Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial organizational history
- Mildred Rhoads Bennett biographical material and manuscripts
- Correspondence files, both personal and WCPM
- Photographs of mid-century Webster County
Related Materials:
- Don Connors Collection
- John March Collection
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Box 1 | Folder Name |
Object Type |
Fan Letters 1951-1953 | Correspondence | |
Dorothy Minchin-Comm | Obituary and clippings | |
Humor | Clippings | |
Letters to Mildred Bennett | Correspondence | |
Letters from Cather Family | Correspondence | |
Miscellaneous Letters From Mildred and Wilbur Bennett | Correspondence | |
restricted | 2 Folders | Correspondence and Legal Documents |
Ron Butler 1980s | Correspondence | |
Vickie Corey, 1981 | Correspondence | |
L.C. Chang |
Correspondence |
Don Connors | Correspondence | |
Charles Crowley | Correspondence | |
Debbie Leonard | Correspondence | |
Virginia Faulkner | Correspondence | |
John March | Correspondence | |
Marianne Martin | Correspondence | |
Michael | Correspondence | |
Bernice Slote | Correspondence | |
Stanley Smith | Correspondence | |
Jessie Sherman Smith | Correspondence | |
Haru Tarawada | Correspondence | |
Jean Tsien | Correspondence |
Box 2–5 Rehoused—see Bennett Book Inventory
Box 6 - WCPM Documents | Folder Name | Object Type |
Typescript "In Search of Willa Cather" copy | Manuscript | |
Clippings | Clippings and ephemera | |
Conference Photos | Photographs | |
Exhibition Catalog | Printed Material | |
Miscellaneous papers | Documents | |
Pat Phillips Materials | Board minutes, conference notes | |
WCPM Ashtray | ||
Playing Cards | ||
Keys | ||
NSHS Documents | Correspondence | |
1987 board materials | Documents | |
Letters to Mildred Bennett from Board Members | Correspondence |
Box 7–10 Rehoused—see Bennett Book Inventory
Box 11 Research Materials
Full box of index cards and notes for Mildred Bennett's book, The World of Willa Cather. See note for Box 27.
Box 12–16 Rehoused—see Bennett Book Inventory
Brockway Paper Collection
Date range: 1880–1987
Bulk dates: 1893–1930
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2015
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: One document box
Abstract: The Brockway Collection was donated by Cather family descendants by marriage in 2012. The collection contains photos from Roscoe Cather’s days at Red Cloud High School and during his time as a country school teacher in Webster County; photos of Meta Schaper’s high school years, and other family photos. Clippings, brochures, and sketches related to Roscoe’s business life in Wyoming and his obituary and associated clippings indicate that Roscoe was a well-loved figure in the community. Family correspondence also includes photos of Elsie Cather, baby picture of Roscoe, Charles F. Cather, Mary Virginia Cather, Jessica Cather, Douglass Cather, and Roscoe’s children, as well as some unidentified people. Diplomas and teaching certificates, commencement program for Roscoe and Meta Cather. Later pieces include First Day of Issue Willa Cather stamp, Cather 100th Birthday newspaper, WCPM newsletter (1987), and letters and documents surrounding Willa Cather last will and testament.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection came to the WCF in 2012, deposited by Marsha Brockway.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Brockway Paper Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Roscoe Cather
- Cather family, including Meta Schaper Cather and Virginia Cather Brockway
- Willa Cather Foundation organizational history
Related Materials:
- Southwick Rare Book Collection
- Southwick Family Collections
- Betty Kort Collection
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Object Type | Inventory No. | Title | Author | Obj. Date |
Photograph | PHO-62-001 | Roscoe and Douglass Cather | J.A. Bulkley | ca. 1885 |
Photograph | PHO-62-002 | Jessica Cather Auld | unknown | ca. 1950 |
Photograph | PHO-62-003 | Willa Cather, Douglass Cather with parents | unknown | ca. 1925 |
Photograph | PHO-62-004 | Elsie Cather | Anderson | circa 1928 |
Correspondence | OBJ-62-005A | Letter to Roscoe Cather | Earl Hanway | 1938-04-11 |
Printed sketch | OBJ-62-005 | Sketch of Roscoe Cather | McDougall | undated |
Photograph | PHO-62-006 | Red Cloud High Commencement Class of 1895 | unknown | 1895 |
Photograph | PHO-62-007 | Roscoe Cather teaching country school | unknown | ca. 1896 |
Photograph | PHO-62-008 | Roscoe Cather teaching 8th grade class | unknown | 1897 |
Clipping | TEX-62-009 | Judge Schaper presides over bond hearing | David Mathias | 1960 |
Document | TEX-62-010 | Memorial for Robert Schaper | 1961 | |
Clipping | TEX-62-010A | Robert Schaper swearing in | n/d | |
Document | OBJ-62-011 | Meta Schaper's teaching certificate | 1906 | |
Document | OBJ-62-012 | Commencement Program, 1895 | 1895 | |
Folder | PHO-62-013 A-I | Color photographs of Cather family in Lander, Red Cloud | 1960s | |
Photograph | PHO-62-014 | Roscoe Cather in Virginia | J.B. Wortham | 1883 |
Correspondence | TEX-62-015 | Letter to Virginia Brockway | Meta Schaper Cather | 1965 |
Clipping | PHO-62-15A | Engagement announcement, Shannon | undated | |
Photograph | PHO-62-15B | Elsie Cather | Lauck | undated |
Photograph | PHO-62-016 | Roscoe Cather | unknown | circa 1940 |
Photograph | PHO-62-017 A-C | Photographs of Virginia Cather | unknown | circa 1915 |
Photograph | PHO-62-018 | Charles F. Cather | unknown | circa 1927 |
Photograph | PHO-62-019 | Mary Virginia Cather with granddaughters | Gleason | circa 1928 |
Photograph | PHO-62-020 | Havelock basketball team | unknown | 1903 |
Photograph | PHO-62-021 | Unknown woman | unknown | n/d |
Photograph | PHO-62-022 | Unknown women | unknown | n/d |
Document | OBJ-62-023 | Diploma University of Nebraska for Meta Schaper | 1903 | |
Document | OBJ-62-024 | Diploma Red Cloud HIgh School, Roscoe Cather | 1895 | |
Correspondence | OBJ-62-025 | First day of issue Willa Cather stamp, program | 1973-09-20 | |
Clippings | OBJ-62-026 | Red Cloud Chief, 1973-09-20, day of issue supplement and full issue | Red Cloud Chief | 1973-09-20 |
Documents | TEX-62-027A | Death announcement of Roscoe Cather and Meta's notes | 1945-09-05 | |
Clippings | TEX-62-027B | Death announcement of Roscoe Cather | 1945 | |
Clippings | TEX-62-027C | Roscoe Cather death and business announcements | 1937-1945 | |
Clippings | TEX-62-028 | Pg. 9 Casper Tribune Herald | 1926-05-30 | |
Correspondence | TEX-62-029 | Letters to Virginia Cather Brockway re: distribution of funds from Willa Cather Estate | 1947 | |
Document | TEX-62-030 | Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Newsletter | Mildred Bennett, ed. | 1987 |
Folder | TEX-62-031 | Documents of Cather family | 1937-1972 | |
Document | TEX-62-032 | The Future of Your Affairs, pamphlet by Central Trust Co., Lander Wyoming | undated | |
Document | TEX-62-033 | Brochure, Webster County Historical Museum | undated | |
Document | TEX-62-034 | Willa Cather's last will & testament with note | Breed, Abbott & Morgan | 1947 |
Correspondence | TEX-62-035 | Note regarding gift | Marsha Brockway | 2012? |
Willard Crowell Collection
Date range: 1938-1946
Bulk dates: 1938-1941
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2018
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: 73 folders
Abstract: This collection of correspondence includes letters, farm service documents, and tax documents for the farm investment properties Willa Cather purchased from her brother-in-law, William Auld. These letters document not only the agricultural climate of the time but the sour relationship between Cather and Auld. Willard Crowell, acting as farm agent to several of the Cather family members, was a longtime family friend from Red Cloud.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection came to the WCF in 2017, deposited anonymously.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Willard Crowell Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- agriculture
- Red Cloud, Nebraska
- Roscoe Cather
- Willa Cather
- Banking, taxes, and investment
- Health and medical
Related Materials:
- WCPM Collection - Charles Cather farm ledgers
- WCHM Collection - Erickson ledger
- Blanche Cather Ray Collection
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Object Type | Inventory No. | Title | Author | Obj. Date |
Correspondence | TEX-278-001 | 4 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1938/10/13 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-002 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1938/10/28 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-003 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Roscoe Cather | 1938/12/13 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-004 | 3 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1938/12/11 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-005 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1938/12/31 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-006 | 1 pg. handwritten letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1939/01/16 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-007 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1939/01/19 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-008 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Roscoe Cather | 1939/01/19 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-009 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1939/03/28 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-010 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Roscoe Cather | 1939/02/03 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-011 | Postcard to Willard Crowell | A.P. Tone Wilson | 1939/02/16 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-012 | 1 pg. handwritten letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1939/02/20 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-013 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Claus Rose, Cty. Treasurer, Kit Carson County | 1939/05/12 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-014 | 2 pg letter to Willa Cather (copy) and note from Willa Cather to Willard Crowell | Roscoe Cather | 1939/05/12 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-015 | 1 pg. handwritten letter to Cty. Treasurer, St. Paul, Neb. and enclosures | I.W. Crowell | 1939/05/16 |
Financial | TEX-278-016 | Tax receipt, 1939 Kit Carson County, deposit slip | 1940/02/09 | |
no file | ||||
Correspondence | TEX-278-018 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1940/02/14 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-019 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Roscoe Cather | 1940/02/24 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-020 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1940/03/02 |
no record | ||||
no record | ||||
Financial | TEX-278-023 | Webster County Bank receipts, tax receipts | ||
Correspondence | TEX-278-024 | 1 pg. handwritten letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1940/05/13 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-025 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1940/07/10 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-026 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Sarah J. Bloom | 1940/09/03 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-027 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1940/09/20 |
Financial | TEX-278-028 | Tax receipt, Kit Carson County | 1941/01/13 | |
Financial | TEX-278-029 | Tax receipt, Smith County | 1941/01/14 | |
no record | ||||
Financial | TEX-278-031 | Tax receipt, Webster County | 1941/02/02 | |
Correspondence | TEX-278-032 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1941/02/03 |
no record | ||||
Correspondence | TEX-278-034 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Sarah J. Bloom | 1941/03/03 |
Financial | TEX-278-035 | 1940 tax receipts, Webster County and Howard County | 1941/04/08 | |
Correspondence | TEX-278-036 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1941/06/09 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-037 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Roscoe Cather | 1941/07/09 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-038 | 1941 USDA wheat allotment form with handwritten note | Willa Cather | 1941/08/19 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-039 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1941/10/17 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-040 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1941/12/06 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-041 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1941/12/16 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-042 | 1 pg. handwritten note to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1942/02/02 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-043 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/02/10 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-044 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/02/16 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-045 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/06/03 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-046 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1942/09/07 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-047 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/09/09 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-048 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1942/11/27 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-049 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/12/15 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-050 | 1 pg. carbon of letter to Chris Boilesen, Howard Cty. and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1942/12/21 |
Financial | TEX-278-051 | 1942 tax receipt, Kit Carson Cty | 1942/01/15 | |
Correspondence | TEX-278-052 | 2 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1942/03/08 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-053 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Willa Cather | 1943/05/29 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-054 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosures | Sarah J. Bloom | 1943/07/20 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-055 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell and enclosure | Willa Cather | 1943/07/30 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-056 | 3 pg. handwritten letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1943/08/22 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-057 | Christmas card | Willa Cather | 1943/12/19 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-058 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell with enclosures | Willa Cather | 1944/04/11 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-059 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1944/05/15 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-060 | Christmas card | Willa Cather | 1944/12/15 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-061 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Sarah J. Bloom | 1944/12/30 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-062 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/01/24 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-063 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/03/21 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-064 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/04/11 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-065 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Sarah J. Bloom | 1945/07/22 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-066 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/08/01 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-067 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/08/24 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-068 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/09/05 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-069 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1945/11/17 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-070 | Christmas Card | Willa Cather | 1945/12/12 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-071 | 1 pg. letter to Willard Crowell | Willa Cather | 1946/02/12 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-072 | Easter card | Willa Cather | 1946/04/16 |
Correspondence | TEX-278-073 | Christmas card | Willa Cather | 1946/12/18 |
Southwick Rare Book Collection
Date range: 1831-1967
Bulk dates: 1900-1940
Finding Aid created by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2015
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: 4 trays
Abstract: The Southwick Rare Book Collection contains numerous association copies and gift books from Willa Cather to members of her family. Some pre-publication copies of books, limited editions, and books by other authors but selected by Cather for gifts are included in this collection.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection came to the WCF in 2007, deposited by James and Angela Southwick from Helen Cather Southwick's estate. Helen Cather Southwick was Jim's mother and the niece of Willa Cather.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Southwick Rare Book Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Willa Cather
- Sarah Orne Jewett
- Gertrude Hall
- Alfred A. Knopf
Related Materials:
- John E. (Jack) and Irma Cather Family Collection
- Cather Family Book Collection
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Cather Family Library Collection
Date range: 1793-1962
Bulk dates: 1870-1915
Finding Aid created by Jacqueline Lemmer, 2014; updated by Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2022. Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: 12 trays
Abstract: The Cather Family Library contains books and magazines owned by the Charles F. Cather family and used in their Red Cloud homes between 1884–1936. A number of books in the collection contain personalization that denotes books that belonged to Willa Cather personally, who sometimes used "Willie" or "William." Red Cloud did not have a public library until 1917, so the Cather's extensive library indicates their financial position as well as the value the family placed on reading and education. After the sale of the Cather family home in Red Cloud, these books and magazines were with Elsie Cather; some of the later items in this collection are labeled with Elsie Cather's name and address.
Language: The material is in English
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: Acquisition information is incomplete; the collection has been in Red Cloud for more than twenty years and was likely donated after Elsie Cather's death.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Cather Family Library Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- short stories
- Cather genealogy
- Willa Cather personal effects
Related Materials:
- Southwick Rare Book Collection
- Southwick Family Collections
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Author | Title | Pub. Date | Notes |
Abbott, Jacob | Histories of Cyrus the Great and Alexander the Great | 1880 | Wm. Cather Jr. Private Library No. 71 |
Akins, Zoë | Interpretations: A Book of First Poems | 1912 | n/a |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Jack and Jill: A Village Story | 1887 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 25 |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Jo's Boys: And How They Turned Out | 1886 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 21 |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Little Women | 1885 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 22 |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Old-Fashioned Girl | 1887 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 24 |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Rose in Bloom | 1886 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 23 |
Alcott, Louisa M. | Under the Lilacs | 1887 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 19 |
Aldrich, Mrs. Thomas Bailey | Crowding Memories | 1920 | Christmas greetings to my dearest father, Elsie Margaret |
Alexander, Hartley Burr | Poetry and the Individual: An Analysis of the Imaginative Life in Relation to the Creative Spirit in Man and Nature | 1906 | ? |
Alexander, Hartley Burr | The Mid Earth Life | 1907 | ? |
Allen, James Lane | The Bride of the Mistletoe | 1909 | n/a |
Allen, James Lane | The Choir Invisible | 1905 | ? |
Allen, James Lane | The Reign of Law | 1913 | Mrs. C.F. Cather, E.M. Cather |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Andersen's Fairy Tales | n/a | |
Andrews, Byron and Hugh Craig | The Biographies and Public Services of Gen. John A. Logan and Hon. James G. Blaine | 1884 | n/a |
Atherton, Gertrude | A Whirl Asunder | 1895 | Mamma from Willa |
Atkins, Elizabeth | Holy Suburb | 1941 | ? |
Atkins, Elizabeth | The Poet's Poet | 1922 | To Elsie with affectionate greetings from Elizabeth A. |
Auerbach, Berthold | On the Heights | Mrs. C.F. Cather | |
Babcock, Maltbie Davenport | Thoughts for Every-Day Living | 1901 | Mrs. S.E. Andrews |
Ballantyne, R.M. | Erling, the Bold | Willa Cather, Private Library No. 37 | |
Bancroft, Charles | The Footprints of Time: And a Complete Analysis of our American System of Government | 1878 | n/a |
Barclay, Florence L. | The Mistress of Shenstone | 1910 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Barclay, Florence L. | The Rosary | 1909 | n/a |
Barnes, A.S. and Co. | Barnes' New National Fifth Reader | 1884 | initials repreated, YL, SJ, R.G. |
Barretto, Larry | Walls of Glass | 1926 | Includes postcard addressed to Mrs. C.F. Cather, 1926 |
Bartlett, John | Familiar Quotations | 1951 | n/a |
Bates, Mrs. Lindon W. | Bunch-Grass Stories | 1895 | Willa Cather |
Baxter, Richard and Thomas Chalmers | Call to the Unconverted | 1854 | James McCall and other names in front; Ladies Circulating Library; 3 handwritten pages of names in the back |
Beckford, William | Vathek: An Arabian Tale | 1887 | Bess Seymour |
Bernhard, Marie | The Household Idol | 1892 | n/a |
Besant, Walter and Walter H. Pollock | The Charm and Other Drawing-Room Plays | 1895 | Willa Cather |
Bloom, Edward A. and Lillian D. Bloom | Willa Cather's Gift of Sympathy | 1962 | Uncancelled postcard pg. 65 |
Bloomfield, Robert | The Farmer's Boy | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 13 | |
Boggs, Martha Frye | A Romance of the New Virginia | 1896 | To Miss Cather with kind wishes from the author Martha Frye Boggs, Pittsburg, April 20, 1894 |
Booth, Edward C. | The Doctor's Lass | 1910 | ? Andrews, Bladen |
Boss, Nelson R. | The Prayer Book Reason Why | n/a | |
Bowen, B.L. | Introduction to Modern French Lyrics | 1894 | W. Cather, State University, Lincoln, Neb. |
Brooks, E.S. | Historic Boys: Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times | 1896 | South Ward; Red Cloud Public Schools No. 11 |
Brown, Alice | King's End | 1901 | W.S. Cather |
Bryan, William Jennings and Francis W. Halsey | The World's Famous Orations (In Ten Volumes) | 1906 | Possess all ten volumes |
Bryant, William Cullen | Poems | 1884 | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 36 |
Buchan, John | A Lost Lady of Old Years | 1899 | Willa Cather, Pittsburg Pa. Includes clipping in front binding with review of book and author |
Bunyan, John | A Relation of the Holy War | To GranMa Boak from Willa Dec. 25 1872 | |
Bunyan, John | Pilgrim's Progress: From This World to That Which Is to Come | Wm. Cather Jr., Private Library No. 14 | |
Burke, Edmund, and Charles Lamb and Walter Savage Landor | Selections from English Prose | 1903 | n/a |
Burnet, Margaretta | Zoology: for High Schools and Academies | 1895 | Silah Adkisson, Dec. 13, 1903; property of Fullerton City Schools |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson | A Lady of Quality | 1896 | n/a |
Burnett, Mrs. F.H. | A Quiet Life | 1878 | Bess Seymour |
Burns, Robert | The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns | 1900 | n/a |
Burns, Robert | The Complete Works of Robert burns | Elsie Cather | |
Burton, John Bloundelle | Across the Salt Seas: A Romance of the War of Succession | 1897 | Willa Cather |
Butler, Samuel | Hudibras | 1869 | ? |
Byron, George Gordon | The Poetical Works of Lord Byron | 1875 | Presented to C.F. Cather as a Christmas present from his wife, Dec. 25th, 1879 |
Caine, Hall | The Woman Thou Gavest Me: Being the Story of Mary O'Neill | 1913 | Roscoe: A Merry Christmas, 1913, Mother |
Campbell, Killis | The Seven Sages of Rome | 1907 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Campbell, Thomas | The Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, and Other Poems | ||
Campbell, Thomas | The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell | 1857 | n/a |
Canfield, Dorothy | Four-Square | 1949 | Elsie Cather |
Carleton, Will | Farm Legends | 1875 | n/a |
Carlyle, Thomas | Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröck | bookmarks throughout; underlining throughout. "W. Cather Jr." with sticker "37" | |
Castle, Edgerton | The Light of Scarthey | 1899 | To Mother, March 21, 1900 W.S.C. |
Cather, Willa | My Ántonia | 1918 | n/a |
Catallus | Selected Poems of Catallus | 1910 | Back: list of numbers and checkmarks |
Chambers, Robert W. | Ashes of Empire | 1901 | Merry Christmas to Mother from Willie |
Chambers, Robert W. | The Common Law | 1911 | To Mother from Jim, Xmas 1911 |
Chase, J. Smeaton | California Coast Trails: A Horseback Ride from Mexico to Oregon | 1913 | With Christmas Greetings to father, Willa, New York 1913 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey | The Prioress Tale, Sire Thopas, The Monkes Tale, The Clerks Tale, The Squieres Tale from The Canterbury Tales | 1806 | n/a |
Chaucer, Geoffrey | The Tale of the man of Lawe, ThePardoners Tale, The Second Nonnes Tale, The Chanouns Yemannes Tale from The Canterbury Tales | 1804 | n/a |
Churchill, Winston | A Modern Chronicle | 1910 | Douglass, Christmas, Dec. 25, 1910 |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Cato Maior de Senectute | 1892 | Willa Cather State University, Lincoln, Neb. |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Select Orations of Cicero | n/d | n/a |
Clark, Glenn | The Soul's Sincere Desire | 1953 | n/a |
Collins, Dale | Ordeal | 1924 | n/a |
Comly, John | Comly's Spelling and Reading Book | 1880s | Willa Cather ____ 1882 |
Conrad, Joseph | Youth and Two Other Stories | 1905 | A Merry Christmas to Elsie Cather, 1906, W.S.C. |
Corelli, Marie | Barabbas: A Dream of the World's Tragedy | 1894 | W. Cather |
Corelli, Marie | Wormwood: A Drama of Paris | 1890 | Jennie B. Cather |
Cox, Marian | The Crowds and the Veiled Woman | 1910 | For Mother, hoping that her grippe is gone for good. Willa |
Craig-Knox, Isa | Esther West | n/a | |
Crane, Stephen | George's Mother | 1896 | Social Service Committee of the Long Island College Hospital, "NY Slums" |
Crane, Thomas Frederick | Le Romantisme Francais: A Selection from Writers of the French Romantic School | 1886 | numerous notes |
Crawford, Francis Marion | Sant' Ilario | 1895 | |
Crawford, Francis Marion | Stradella | 1909 | n/a |
Crawford, Francis Marion | The Heart of Rome: A Tale of the "Lost Water" | 1903 | n/a |
Crawford, Francis Marion | The Ralstons | 1895 | |
Crockett, S.R. et al | Tales of Our Coast | 1901 | n/a |
Cummins, Maria S. | The Lamplighter: Or An Orphan Girl's Struggles and Triumphs | n/d | n/a |
Cushing, Mary Watkins | The Rainbow Bridge | 1954 | Elsie M. Cather, contains Fremstad clipping |
Cushman, Herbert Ernest | A Beginner's History of Philosophy, vol. I | 1910 | n/a |
D'Annunzio, Gabriele | The Flame of Life | 1900 | Willa Sibert Cather, Washington, D.C. |
Dalrymple, Leona | Diane of the Green Van | 1914 | Cather |
Darton, N.H. | Geology of the Bighorn Mountains | 1906 | n/a |
Daudet, Alphonse | Jack | 1890 | n/a |
Daudet, Alphonse | The Immortal: Or, One of the "Forty" | 1893 | Willa Cather |
Day, Thomas | The History of Sandford and Merton | 1866 | A.A.C. Sticker from seller in Virginia |
de Puy, Henry | History of Napoleon Bonaparte | 1882 | Private Library No. 12, Wm Cather Jr (has been partially erased) |
de Stael, Madame | Corinne: Or Italy | n/d | Bessie Seymour |
Dell, Floyd | The Briary-Bush | 1921 | Wishing Mother a merry Christmas! from Willie, Christmas 1921 |
Deland, Margaret | Old Chester Tales | 1898 | Cather |
Deland, Margaret | The Iron Woman | 1911 | C.D. Cather |
Deland, Margaret | The Iron Woman | 1911 | Bessie Seymour from Willa Cather, Christmas 1912 |
Dickens, Charles | A Tale of Two Cities and Sketches by Boz | n/d | Grafton Knights of Labor Library No. 16 |
Dickens, Charles | Barnaby Rudge and Hard Times | n/d | n/a |
Dickens, Charles | Bleak House | n/d | n/a |
Dickens, Charles | Christmas Stories | n/d | n/a |
Dickens, Charles | Dombey and Son | n/d | n/a |
Dickens, Charles | Great Expectations | n/d | Grafton Knights of Labor Library No. 24 |
Dickens, Charles | The Adventures of Oliver Twist | n/d | Grafton Knights of Labor Library No. 20 |
Dickens, Charles | The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit | n/d | Grafton Knights of Labor Library No. 22 |
Dickens, Charles | The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby | n/d | Grafton Knights of Labor Library No. 23 |
Dickens, Charles | The Old Curiosity Shop | n/d | n/a |
Dickens, Charles | The Personal History of David Copperfield | n/d | Wm Cather Jr. 22 |
Dickens, Charles | The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club | n/d | n/a |
Diehl, Charles | Byzantine Portraits | 1927 | Dear Sister -- Sorry I could not get this to you for Holy Week. W. |
Dixon, Thomas, Jr. | The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan | 1907 | Back page: "pg. 124, 125 Slavery" |
Dixon, Thomas, Jr. | The Southerner: A Romance of the Real Lincoln | 1913 | n/a |
Dobie, J. Frank | The Voice of the Coyote | 1961 | n/a |
Doyle, Arthur Conan | The Firm of Girdlestone | n/d | Cather |
Drake, Joseph Rodman | The Culprit Fay | 1889 | Elsie Margaret Cather, October 1903 |
Dromgoole, Will Allen | The Fortunes of the Fellow | 1898 | Elsie Cather from Willa, Christmas 1898 |
Dulles, Avery | A Testimonial to Grace | 1947 | n/a |
Ebers, Georg | Homo Sum | 1880 | n/a |
Ebers, Georg | Uarda: A Romance of Ancient Egypt | n/d | Bessie Seymour '91 |
Eggleston, Edward | The Circuit Rider: A Tale of the Heroic Age | 1910 | Bess Seymour Tacked in, part of label "W.S. Cather, 1180 Murray Hill Ave, Pittsburgh Pa." |
Eggleston, Edward | The Hoosier School-Master | 1892 | Sincerely yours, Edwd. Eggleston |
Eggleston, George Cary | Evelyn Byrd | 1904 | n/a |
Eggleston, George Cary | Two Gentlemen of Virginia | 1908 | n/a |
Eliot, George | The Spanish Gypsy: the Legend of Jubal, and Other Poems Old and New | Miss Willa Cather, Christmas 1888 | |
Ellen Smith | 1928 | n/a | |
Eucken, Rudolf | Life's Basis and Life's Ideal: The Fundamentals of a New Philosophy of Life | 1912 | Elsie Margaret Cather, Sept. 1914 |
Evans, Larry | Then I'll Come Back to You | 1915 | A Valentine to Mother from Willa, New York, February 7th |
Fergusson, Harvey | The Blood of the Conquerors | 1921 | n/a |
Flügel, Ewald | Thomas Carlyle's Moral and Religious Development | 1891 | Willa Cather |
Ford, Sallie Rochester | Mary Bunyan: The Dreamer's Blind Daughter | 1860 | CLW |
Forman, Henry James | Sudden Wealth | 1924 | n/a |
Fox, John, Jr. | A Knight of the Cumbland and "Hell-fer-Sartain" | 1906 | C.F. Cather |
Fox, John, Jr. | The Heart of the Hills | 1913 | Cather Mother from Douglass E.M. Cather 14 |
Fox, John, Jr. | The Trail of the Lonesome Pine | 1908 | Cather |
Fraser, Robert | Three Men and a Maid | 1907 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 1 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 2 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 3 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 4 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 5 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 6 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 7 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 8 | 1909 | n/a |
Funk and Wagnalls Co. | The Best of the World's Classics: Restricted to Prose, vol. 10 | 1909 | n/a |
Gale, Zona | Miss Lulu Bett | 1920 | For Mother, with love from Willa, May 18, 1920 |
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn | Cranford, A Tale | 1908 | A Valentine for Auntie from Willa |
GYP | Chiffon's Marriage | 1895 | W. Cather |
Hales, George Ellery | The New Heavens | 1922 | n/a |
Halévy, Ludovic | The Abbé Constantin | n/d | n/a |
Hall, Eliza Calvert | Aunt Jane of Kentucky | 1928 | Miss Bessie Seymour, Bladen, Nebr. 5-27 (tacked in) |
Hall, Frank H. | The Werner Arithmetic: Oral and Written, book 2 | 1896 | Lillie Huffer No. 79 Date bo't 9/11 1900 |
Hardy, Thomas | The Trumpet-Major | n/d | n/a |
Harland, Henry | The Cardinal's Snuff Box | 1900 | W.S. Cather |
Harrison, Henry Syndor | V.V.'s Eyes | 1913 | Merry Christmas to Mother, Ethel and James, 1913 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Mosses from an Old Manse | n/d | 128 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Tales of the White Hills and Sketches; The Old Manse and a Few Mosses | 1894 | Elsie M. Cather |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | The Scarlet Letter | 1887 | n/a |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Twice-Told Tales | n/d | n/a |
Heath, May | Iowa Hannah | 1961 | n/a |
Heimburg, W. | Misjudged | n/d | n/a |
Henty, G.A. | With Clive in India: Beginnings of an Empire | n/d | n/a |
Hentz, Caroline Lee | Linda: The Young Pilot of the Belle Creole | 1850 | Jennie Boak |
Hewlett, Maurice | Fond Adventures: Tales of the Youth of the World | 1905 | From Jim to Elsie Xmas 1905 |
Hewlett, Maurice | The Queen's Quair: The Six Years' Tragedy | 1904 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Hichens, Robert | The Fruitful Vine | 1911 | For Auntie With Christmas Wishes from Willa 1915 |
Holland, J.G. | Bitter-Sweet: A Poem | n/d | n/a |
Holmes, George F. | First Reader | n/d | Willa Cather, Jan. 1, 1881 |
Homer | Homer | 1846 | Private Library No. 70 Wm Cather Jr. Red Cloud 1888 Willie Cather |
Homer | The Iliad | n/d | Willa Cather Wm Cather Jr. 1888 Willie Cather |
Hooker, LeRoy | Enoch the Philistine: A Traditional Romance of Philistia, Egypt | 1898 | n/a |
Horan, Kenneth | Remember the Day | 1937 | n/a |
Howard, Blanche Willis | The Open Door | 1889 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Howells, W.D. | Evening Dress | 1893 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Hughes, T. | Tom Brown at Oxford | n/d | n/a |
Hugo, Victor | Hernani | 1908 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Hugo, Victor | La Chute | 1907 | heavily annotated by Elsie Cather |
Hugo, Victor | Les Misérables | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Hugo, Victor | The Man Who Laughs: By Order of the King | 1888 | William Cather |
Hume, Martin | The Love Affairs of Mary Queen of Scots | 1906 | Elsie Margaret Cather, New York, Christmas 1910 W.S.C. |
Hume, Martin | The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth: A History of the Various Negotiations for Her Marriage | 1906 | Elsie Margaret Cather, New York, Christmas 1910 W.S.C. |
Irvine, Alexander | From the Bottom Up: The Life of Alexander Irvine | 1910 | For Auntie Sister from Willa |
Irving, Washington | The Kaaterskill Edition of Washington Irving, 4 vols | 1884 | Jessie Cather |
Jackson, J. Hampden | A Short History of the World Series 1918 | 1939 | n/a |
Jameson, Storm | Three Kingdoms | 1926 | n/a |
Jerome, Jerome K. | Tommy and Co. | 1904 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Jewett, Sarah Orne | Deephaven | 1905 | A very merry Christmas to my dearest Bess, Elsie Marget, Christmas 1921 (clippings) |
Jewett, Sarah Orne | Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett | 1905 | To Elsie Cather at Christmas-Time from Willa Cather 1924 |
Johnson, Merle | Pyle's Book of Pirates | 1921 | n/a |
Johnston, Mary | Cease Firing | 1912 | Cather |
Jones, E. Stanley | The Christ of the Indian Road | 1925 | n/a |
Jowett, B. | The New National Edition of the Dialogues of Plato: The Republic | 1914 | n/a |
Keays, H.A. Mitchell | The Work of Our Hands | 1905 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Kellogg, Brainerd | English Literature | 1882 | Willie Cather Wm Cather Jr. 10 |
Kelly, Myra | Little Citizens: The Humors of School Lief | 1904 | n/a |
Kelsey, Francis | T. Lucreti Cari: de Rerum Natura Libri Sex | 1884 | notations on back fly and throughout |
Kelsey, Francis | Selections from Ovid | 1890 | n/a |
Kildare, Owen | My Name is Rose: The Story of my Regeneration | 1903 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Kingsley, Charles | The Roman and the Teuton: A Series of Lectures | 1891 | Several markings including Pittsburg Central High School Library (embossed) |
Laing, C.H.B. | Child's History of Rome: Conquests of the Seven Hills | 1875 | n/a |
Laird & Lee | Laird & Lee's Vest-Pocket Standard English/Spanish Spanish/English Dictionary Spelling and Pronunciation | n/d | C. F. Cather, Red Cloud Neb Bought in City of Mexico Feb. 1908 |
Lane, Rose Wilder | Hill-Billy | 1926 | n/a |
Lawrence, D.H. | St. Mawr | 1925 | illegible |
Lea, Homer | The Vemilion Pencil | 1908 | Bessie Seymour with Wishes for a Happy __ from Willa November 25, 1908 |
Lewis, Alfred Henry | Peggy O'Neal | 1903 | Dickenson Duel |
Lillie, Lucy C. | The Household of Glen Holly | 1900 | To Elsie Cather from Willa Christmas 1900 |
Lindsay, Thomas B. | The Satires of Juvenal | 1890 | n/a |
Livy | The History of Rome, Books XXI and XXII | 1905 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Logan, John A. | The Great Conspiracy | 1886 | n/a |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth | Poems, vol. 1 | 1856 | Jennie B. Cather, 1875 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth | Poems, vol. 2 | 1856 | Jennie B. Cather, 1875 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth | The Golden Legend | 1851 | |
Lounsbury, T.R. | History of the English Language | 1894 | notes throughout |
Lovelace, Maud Hart | The Black Angels | 1926 | With love from Willa at __ |
Lubbock, Sir John | The Pleasures of Life | 1894 | W. Cather |
Lutes, Della T. | The Country Kitchen | 1945 | Cherry Pudding 115 |
Lytton, Robert Bulwer, Lord Lytton | The Last Days of Pompeii | 1834 | |
Lytton, Robert Bulwer, Lord Lytton | The Last Days of Pompeii | 1834 | Elsie Margaret Cather 75 |
Maxson, Harold R. | The Practical Up-to-Date Guide to Mexico City and Vicinity | 1907 | C.F. Cather, Red Cloud Neb. Bought in the City of Mexico, Feb. 1908 |
Monroe, Will S. | Bohemia and the Chechs | 1910 | n/a |
Montague, Gilbert Holland | The Rise and Progress of the Standard Oil Company | 1902 | n/a |
Morehouse, W.R. | Bankers Guide Book | 1921 | n/a |
Morgan, William De | Alice-For-Short | 1907 | illegible |
Morris, Clara | Little "Jim Crow" | 1899 | For my dear Elsie from Willa Christmas 1899 |
Moss, Geoffrey | Sweet Pepper | 1923 | Wishing Bessie a Merry Christmas, Willa Cather |
Mulock, Miss | John Halifax, Gentleman | 1890 | W.Cather |
Murray, Gilbert | Religio Gramatici: The Religion of a Man of Letters | 1918 | For Elsie from Elizabeth in memory of a year of comradeship, June 1925 |
Murray, Hugh | The Encyclopedia of Geography, vol. 1 | 1845 | n/a |
Murray, Hugh | The Encyclopedia of Geography, vol. 2 | 1845 | n/a |
Murray, Hugh | The Encyclopedia of Geography, vol. 3 | 1845 | n/a |
Nordau, Max | Degeneration | 1895 | Willa Cather |
Ouida | Signa | 1884 | n/a |
Ouida | Wanda: Countess von Szalras | 1883 | bookmarks |
Overton, Grand M., ed. | The Women Who Make Our Novels | 1919 | bookmark reads "mat on Cather" |
Page, Thomas Nelson | Gordon Keith | 1903 | Bess Seymour Bladen Neb |
Page, Thomas Nelson | In Ole Virginia | 1906 | C.F. Cather bookmark |
Page, Thomas Nelson | Under the Crust | 1911 | n/a |
Pancoast, Henry S. | Standard English Prose: Bacon to Stevenson | 1907 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Parker, Sir Gilbert | The Translation of a Savage | n/d | Cather _illegible_ |
Parrish, Randall | My Lady of the North: The Love Story of a Gray Jacket | n/d | C.F. Cather, Red Cloud Nebr |
Parrish, Randall | The Red Mist: A Tale of Civil Strife | 1914 | Doug Cather |
Pater, Walter | The Renaissance | 1919 | n/a |
Paxson, Frederic L. | History of the American Frontier 1763-1893 | 1924 | n/a |
Philips, Austin | Red Tape | 1910 | C.F. Cather, Aug. 23, 1910 from Willa |
Phillpotts, Eden | Lying Prophets | 1896 | Bessie Seymour, Christmas 1897 |
Poe, Edgar Allen | The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales | 1889 | n/a |
Pollard, Josephine | History of the New Testament in Words of One Syllable | 1888 | Douglas Cather |
Porter, Jane | Thaddeus of Warsaw | n/d | n/a |
Pound, Louise, ed. | American Ballads and Songs | 1922 | H773-4. 100 |
Poushkin, Alexander | The Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin | 1914 | n/a |
Prescott, William H. | History of the Conquest of Peru, vol. 1 | 1890 | n/a |
Prescott, William H. | History of the Conquest of Peru, vol. 2 | 1890 | n/a |
Prichard, Constantine E., ed. | Selected Letters of Pliny | 1899 | small notes throughout |
Reed, Myrtle | A Weaver of Dreams | 1911 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Reed, Myrtle | Master of the Vineyard | 1910 | For Mother on her Birthday from Willa |
Reed, Myrtle | Old Rose & Silver | 1910 | Srx 150 |
Reid, James S. | M. Tulli Ciceronis: Cato Maior de Senectute | 1892 | Willa Cather State University, April 1892 |
Ridpath, John Clark | Cyclopedia of Universal History, vol. 2 | 1885 | n/a |
Riley, James Whitcomb | An Old Sweetheart of Mine | 1902 | To Jennie B. Cather from her husband Chas. F. Cather, Feby. 14-1904 |
Rinehart, Mary Roberts | The Circular Staircase | 1908 | Wishing Mother a Happy New Year, Willa 1911 |
Rising, Lawrence | She Who Was Helena Cass | 1920 | To Miss Willa Cather with the admiration of Lawrence Rising |
Robinson, William J. | Psycho Analysis or Freudian Philosophy | 1930 | n/a |
Robinson, William | Our Mysterious Life Glands | 1934 | n/a |
Rodgers, Campbell, et al | The Poetic Works of Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White | 1878 | To C.F. Cather as a Christmas present from his wife. Dec. 25th, 1881 |
Roe, E.P. | Barriers Burned Away | 1892 | Henry Cook, Druggist and Book Seller Red Cloud, NE |
Roe, E.T., et al | Youth's Own Book | 1894 | To James Cather, my dear little friend, From granma Munsell, Feb. 25th, 1898 |
Ruskin, John | Sesame and LIlies | n/d | W. Cather |
Ryan, Marah Ellis | The Bond-Woman | 1899 | Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Sandoz, Mari | The Buffalo Hunters | 1954 | For Elsie Cather because she has the _____, most unspoiled sense of humor in all the world. Sincerely, Mari Sandoz |
Sandoz, Mari | The Story Cathcer | 1963 | For Elsie Cather because she has the creative eye to make all her friends nobler, Mari Sandoz |
Sawyer, Walter Leon | A Local Habitation | 1899 | To Mother November 21 1909, Willa |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Lady of the Lake | n/d | Elsie M. Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | Ivanhoe | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather. November 18, 1903 |
Scott, Sir Walter | Ivanhoe | n/d | W.Cather Jr. |
Scott, Sir Walter | Marmion | 1808 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | Rob Roy | n/d | Wishing Elsie a Merry Christmas-from-Isabelle McClung |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Abbot | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather. December 25, 1903 |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Black Dwarf | 1830 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Lady of the Lake | 1904 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Monastery | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Pirate | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Scott, Sir Walter | The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott | 1875 | 028 ANU To Chas. F. Cather by Jennie B. Cather, Dec. 25th, 1880 |
Scott, Sir Walter | Waverly or 'Tis Sixety Years Since | n/d | n/a |
Scott, Sir Walter | Woodstock | n/d | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Seignobos, Charles | The Evolution of the French People | 1932 | n/a |
Seymour, Thomas D. | The First Six Books of Homer's Iliad | 1891 | April 1892, 148 liner Willa Cather State University, Lincoln Neb. |
Shakespeare, William | Antony and Cleopatra | 1887 | William Cather, Willie Cather, Willie Cather, Willie Cather |
Shakespeare, William | As You Like It | 1916 | n/a |
Shakespeare, William | As You Like It | 1883 | W. Cather |
Shakespeare, Wililam | Romeo and Juliet | 1881 | n/a |
Shakespeare, William | Romeo and Juliet | 1887 | Willie Cather, Willie Cather, Willie Cather |
Shakespeare, William | Shakespeare's Complete Works | 1871 | From Jennie B. Cather to her husband Charles F. Cather, Dec. 25th, 1878 |
Sheldon, M. French | Salammbo of Flaubert | 1886 | illegible |
Shelley, Henry C. | Literary By-Paths in Old England | 1907 | illegible |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe | Prometheus Unbound | n/d | Willa Cather |
Sickels, Daniel | The General Ahiman Rezon and Freemason's Guide: Containing Monitorial Instructions... | 1882 | n/a |
Singmaster, Elsie | Basil Everman | 1920 | Wishing Bessie _____ |
Smith, Arthur Cosslett | The Turquoise Cup and Desert | 1903 | Elsie Margaret Cather |
Smith, G. Herbert | Son of the Stars | 1939 | n/a |
Spurgeon, Rev. C.H. | The Saint and His Savior; or the Progress of the Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus | 1858 | n/a |
Stacpoole, H. DeVere | The Ship of Coral | 1911 | For Bessie from Willa |
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton | The Autobiography of Henry M. Stanley | 1909 | To the __________ friend on her birthday, Dec. 7, 1909 S.S.M. |
Stephens, Robert Neilson | Philip Winwood | 1900 | To Mother from Jessica Xmas 1901 |
Stern, G.B. | The Room | 1922 | n/a |
Stevenson, Augusta | Children's Classics in Dramatic Form: Book Five | 1912 | n/a |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | Complete Poems | 1911 | Elsie Cather, June 1912 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | n/d | n/a |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | Treasure Island | n/d | n/a |
Stimson, F.J. | King Noanett: A Story of Old Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay | 1901 | To Mother at Christmas Time, 1901 Willie |
Stockton, Frank R. | The Lady or the Tiger and other stories | 1899 | To Bessie from Roscoe Cather and Jessie Cather |
Stratton-Porter, Gene | Laddie, a True Blue story | 1913 | Wishing Mother a Merry Christmas, Douglass - 1913 |
Synge, J.M. | Riders to the Sea | 1951 | n/a |
Tarbell, Ida M. | He Knew Lincoln | 1907 | Charles F. Cather, from Willa |
Tarkington, Booth | The Conquest of Canaan | 1905 | n/a |
Tarkington, Booth | The Guest of Quesnay | 1908 | A merry Christmas and a Happy New year to mother from Willa Christmas 1908 |
Tarkington, Booth | The Plutocrat | 1927 | For my dear Mother With Christmas Wishes from Willa 1924 |
Taylor, Benjamin F. | Between the Gates | 1880 | Private Library No. 11 Wm Cather |
Taylor, H.C. Chatfield | The Crimson Wing | 1902 | n/a |
Taylor, J.E. | Geological Stories | 1874 | J.M. Bates |
Tennyson, Alfred | Tennyson's Poems | n/d | n/a |
Tennyson, Alfred | The Complete Works of Alfred Tennyson | 1880 | 01-2 C4T Jennie B. Cather 1881 |
Tennyson, Afred | The Works of Alfred Tennyson | n/d | Notes on back cover |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon | 1891 | n/a |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | Henry Esmond Catherine Denis Duval and Lovel the Widower | n/d | W. Cather |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | The Adventures of Phillip on his way through the World | n/d | n/a |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh | n/d | W. Cather |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | The Virginians | n/d | S.V. Taylor |
Thomas, Dorothy | Ma Jeeter's Girls | 1933 | illegible |
Thompson, Sylvia | The Battle of the Horizons | 1928 | Christmas 1929, C.M.C. |
Thurston, Katherine Cecil | The Gambler | 1905 | I Wish Mother a Merry Christmas, Willa Christmas 1910 |
Town, Mr. | The Connoisseur, vol. 1 | 1793 | n/a |
Town, Mr. | The Connoisseur, vol. 2 | 1793 | n/a |
Town, Mr. | The Connoisseur, vol. 3 | 1793 | n/a |
Town, Mr. | The Connoisseur, vol. 4 | 1793 | n/a |
Treverlyan, G.M. | History of England, vol. 1 | 1953 | n/a |
Tupper, Martin Farquhar | 1851 | ||
Tyndale, Troilus Hilgard | Don Cosme: A Romance of the South | Chas. Cather | |
Upham, Thomas C. | Abridgement of Mental Philosophy | 1873 | Private Library Willie Cather Number 5 (sticker); No. 98 Willie Cather Willa Cather |
Valdes, A. Palacio | The Joy of Captain Ribot | 1900 | Willa Sibert Cather |
Van Dyke, Henry | "Even Unto Bethlehem": The Story of Christmas | 1928 | Wishing Bessie A Merry Christmas, Willa |
Venable, Emerson | The Hamlet Problem and Its Solution | 1912 | n/a |
Verne, Jules | Five Weeks in a Balloon | n/d | n/a |
Verne, Jules | Michael Strogoff the Courier of the Czar | n/d | Grandma from Willa Xmas 88 |
Voynich, E.L. | The Gadfly | 1897 | Merry Christmas to Mother, Willa |
Wallace, Lew | The Fair God | 1887 | Cather; Mrs. C.F. Cather |
Walters, L.D.O. | The Year's at the Spring: An Anthology of Recent Poetry | 1920 | To Elaine with much love for Christmas 1925, from Elizabeth A. |
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey | Marcella, vol. 1 | 1894 | n/a |
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey | Robert Elsmere | n/d | n/a |
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey | The History of David Grieve | 1892 | Willa Cather |
Warman, Cy | Snow on the Headlight | 1899 | n/a |
Weihofen, Henry | The Urge to Punish | 1956 | n/a |
Wetherell, Elizabeth | The Wide, Wide World | 1892 | n/a |
Weyman, Stanley J. | The Man in Black | n/d | n/a |
Wheeler, Ella | Maurine and Other Poems | 1888 | n/a |
White, William Allen | In Our Town | 1906 | Sticker, Apr. 10, 1906: PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS BOOK FROM MR. S.S. McCLURE'S ROOM |
Wickham, Anna | The Contemplative Quarry | 1921 | To Willa Cather with the open admiration of _____________ August 1921 |
Wiggin, Kate Douglas | Rose O' the River | 1905 | To Mother from Roscoe |
Wiggin, Kate Douglas | Susanna and Sue | 1909 | With a heart-full of love to _____ at Christmas Time. Willa 1917 |
Williams, Charles Richard | Selections from Lucian | 1892 | W. Cather State University, Lincoln Neb. April 1893 |
Williamson, C.N. and A.M. | The Guests of Hercules | 1912 | Wishing Bessie a Happy Christmas. Willa December 1915 |
Williamson, C.N. and A.M. | Lady Betty Across the Water | 1907 | Cather |
Williamson, C.N. and A.M. | Set in Silver | 1909 | Cather |
Wilson, Augusta Evans | Infelice: A Novel | 1876 | n/a |
Wilson, Margaret | The Able McLaughlins | 1923 | Mrs. C.F. Cather, Red Cloud Nebr. |
Winchell, Alexander | Sketches of Creation | 1874 | Sticker: J.F. Curran Private Library Number 44. Second sticker reads: W. Cather Jr. |
Winter, William | Gray Days and Gold | 1894 | n/a |
Wister, Owen | Lady Baltimore | 1906 | Wishing Mother a very Merry Christmas. Willa 1907 |
Wister, Owen | The Virginian | 1904 | To Auntie Sister from Willa Cather Christmas 1912 |
Wooley, Edwin | Handbook of Compositions | 1907 | ________ |
Worster, W.W. | Guest the One-Eyed | 1922 | Try to find time to read this, Bobby, you'll like it. Willa Xmas 1923; Elsie M. Cather |
Young, Francis Brett | Cold Harbour | 1925 | For Bessie Seymour 40 William Anderson Bladen Nebraska |
Young, Francis Brett | Pilgrim's Rest | 1923 | n/a |
Zangwill, Israel | The Melting Pot | 1911 | _______________ _______________ |
Southwick Paper Collection
Date range: 1894-1998
Bulk dates: 1905-1945
Finding Aid created by Nolan Bennet, 2023
Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: One box plus oversized items
Abstract: The Southwick Paper Collection contains original and facsimile Willa Cather letters and correspondence, typescripts, manuscripts, and serial publication clippings.
Language: The material is in English and French
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: This collection was donated by the Southwick family, who inherited the material through Cather's niece, Helen Cather Southwick.
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as: [item #], Southwick Paper Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Manuscripts
- Cather Correspondence
- Willa Cather personal effects
- Short Stories
- Poetry
- Magazine Publications
Related Materials:
- Southwick Rare Book Collection
- Betty Kort Collection
- Southwick Family Collections
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers; publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Object Type | Inventory No. | Title | Author | Obj. Date |
Magazine and Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F01 | 1931 Time Magazine Original Publication and Letter to Mary Virginia (Copy) | Time Magazine and Willa Cather | August 1931 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F02 | Miscellaneous Letters to Cather (Copies) | 1913-1941 | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F03 | Rose Rosicky Letter to Willa Cather (Original and Copies) | Rose Rosicky | 1926 |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F04 | Shadows on the Rock Typescript (Copy pp. 47-72 199-200) | ||
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F05 | Lucy Gayheart Typescript (Copy pp. 22-118) | ||
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F06 | "Enchanted Bluff" Original Publication | Willa Cather in Harper's Monthly Magazine | 1909 |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F07 | The Professor's House Typescript (Copy pp. 1-22) | ||
Stationery | Tx-50-4000-F08 | Willa Cather 1973 Commemorative Stamps and Postcards | 1973 | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F09 | "The Willing Muse" Original Publication | Willa Cather in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine | August 1907 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F10 | "Her Boss" Original Publication | Willa Cather in Smart Set | October 1919 |
Publication | Tx-50-4000-F11 | "My First Novels [there were two]" Publication | Willa Cather for The Colophon | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F12 | "Three American Singers" Original Publication (Incomplete pp. 41-48) | Willa Cather in McClure's Magazine | December 1913 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F13 | "Plays of Real Life" Original Publication | Willa Cather in McClure's Magazine | March 1913 |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F14 | "Joseph and His Brothers" Typescript (Copy) | ||
Publication and Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F15 | "Willa Cather" in Sewanee Review and letter to Willa Cather | George L. White Jr. | January 1942 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F16 | Letters to Willa Cather from Knopf Publishing (Copies) | 1926-1947 | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F17 | "El Dorado: A Kansas Recessional" Original Publication | Willa Cather in New England Magazine | June 1901 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F18 | "A Death in the Desert" Original Publication | Willa Cather in Scribner's Magazine | January 1903 |
Clipping | Tx-50-4000-F19 | Article on Willa Cather | The Chicago Daily News | March1919 |
Stationery | Tx-50-4000-F20 | Willa Cather's Stationery | ||
Magazine Publication and Document | Tx-50-4000-F21 | "Jack-a-Boy" Original publication and Payslip | Willa Cather in The Saturday Evening Post | March 1901 |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F22 | "Two Friends" Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F23 | "The Pilgrim" Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F24 | 148 Charles Street Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Clipping | Tx-50-4000-F25 | "The Novel Démeublé" Clipping with Edits (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F26 | "Behind the Singer Tower" Original Publication | Willa Cather in Collier's | May 1912 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F27 | "The Sweated Drama" Original Publication | Willa Cather in McClure's Magazine | January 1915 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F28 | Correspondence about Cather Letters (Copy) | Helen Cather Sherwood | December 1983 |
Clipping | Tx-50-4000-F29 | G. P. Cather Obituary | 1918 | |
Document | Tx-50-4000-F30 | "Letters of the Class of '70 Mt. Holyoke Seminary" (Copy) | Franc Cather | 1874 |
Article | Tx-50-4000-F31 | Introduction to One of Ours Toho University | Goichi Fukui | 1979 |
Article | Tx-50-4000-F32 | "Remembering Willa Cather" in Woman's Press | Lorna R. R. Birtwell | November 1948 |
Document | Tx-50-4000-F33 | Checks for Anna Sadilek Pavelka from Willa Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1943-1946 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F34 | Letter to James (Jim) Cather (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F35 | Letter to Roscoe Cather (Copy) | Willa Cather | June 1935 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F36 | Letter to Charles F. Cather (Copy) | S. S. McClure | December 1906 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F37 | Letters to Charles F. Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1906-1918 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F38 | Letters to Elsie (Bobbie) Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1907-1941 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F39 | Letters to Douglass Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1916 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F40 | Letters to Mary Virginia Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1914-1930 |
Newspaper | Tx-50-4000-F41 | "An Old River Metropolis" Original Publication in Nebraska State Journal | Willa Cather | August 1894 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F42 | Letter to Helen Cather Southwick | Susan A. Hallgarth | December 1991 |
Newspapers and Clippings | Tx-50-4000-F43 | Various Newspaper Articles Mentioning Willa Cather After 1947 | 1947-1998 | |
Newspapers and Clippings | Tx-50-4000-F44 | Various Newspaper Articles Mentioning Willa Cather Before 1947 | 1921-1944 | |
Clippings | Tx-50-4000-F45 | Various Clippings Not Related to Willa Cather | ||
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F46 | Letters to Helen Cather Southwick | Sue Rosowski | |
Newspapers and Clippings | Tx-50-4000-F47 | Various Newspaper Articles About Alfred A. Knopf | 1948-1983 | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F48 | Alfred A. Knopf on Willa Cather Typescript (Copy) | Alfred A. Knopf | |
Document | Tx-50-4000-F49 | Memo for Editorial Department at Knopf Publishing on Willa Cather | March 1929 | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F50 | Letters to Charles E. Cather from Knopf Publishing (Copies) | 1995-1996 | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F51 | "My Aunt Willie!" (Copy) | Helen Cather Southwick | |
Document | Tx-50-4000-F52 | The Song of the Lark Promotional Booklet | ||
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F53 | Letters Between Edward H. Dodd and Alfred A. Knopf (Copies) | Alfred A. Knopf and Edward H. Dodd | 1956 |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F54 | "Miss Jewett" Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F55 | "On Cyndus" Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F56 | "Before Breakfast" Typescript (Copy) | Willa Cather | |
Manuscript | Tx-50-4000-F57 | "Willa Cather" Original Typescript Published in The Hudson Review | William Stafford | 1958 |
Medical Document | Tx-50-4000-F58 | Prescription Slip | Dr. Patterson | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F59 | McClure's Magazine Includes Chapters IV-VII of Alexander's Masquerade by Willa Cather | Willa Cather | March 1912 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F60 | "The Bohemian Girl" Original Publication in McClures Magazine | Willa Cather | August 1912 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F61 | "Wireless Boys Who Went Down with Their Ships" Original Publication in Every Week (Incomplete Copy) | Willa Cather | August 1915 |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F62 | Original Publications of Poems that Appear in April Twilights | Willa Cather | |
Magazine Publication | Tx-50-4000-F63 | Original Publications of Various Poems | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F64 | Letter to Mary Virginia Cather (Copy) | Jessica Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F65 | Letters to Helen Louse (Copies) | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F66 | Letters to Anna Sadilek Pavelka (Copies) | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F67 | Letters from Edith Lewis (Copies) | Edith Lewis | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F68 | Letters to Edith Lewis (Copies) | ||
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F69 | Letters to Willa Cather (Copies) | Charles F. Cather | 1918-1923 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F70 | Letters to Willa Cather (Copies) | Leon Bakst | 1923 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F71 | Letters to Glendinning Keeble (Copies) | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F72 | Letters to Harrison Blaine (Copies) | Willa Cather | |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F73 | Letters to George and Eleanor Austermann (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1933-1947 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F74 | Miscellaneous Letters from Willa Cather (Copies) | Willa Cather | 1989-1943 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F75 | Original Telegram to Douglas Cather | Willa Cather | January 1932 |
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F76 | Miscellaneous Original Letters to Willa Cather | ||
Correspondence | Tx-50-4000-F77 | Partial Letters Unknown Recipients (Copies) | Willa Cather | |
Documents | Tx-50-4000-F78 | Miscellaneous Documents Related to Willa Cather | ||
Stationery | Tx-50-4000-F79 | Envelopes to and From Willa Cather | ||
Manuscripts | Tx-50-4000-F80 | Typescripts of Unknown Publication Poems (Originals and Copies) | Willa Cather |
Beverly O'Neill Collection
Date Range: 1907-2004
Bulk Dates: 1940-1980
Finding Aid created by Sophie Ryan and Tracy Sanford Tucker, 2024. Copyright: National Willa Cather Center
Extent: 5 boxes
Abstract: The Beverly O'Neill Collection was donated by the family friend of Jack and Irma Cather and their daughters, Catherine Cather Lowell and Ella Cather Lewis. The collection contains WCPM ephemera, photos, and personal items and effects of Cather family members.
Language: The material is in English.
Access and Use: No restrictions on access; users should acquaint themselves with copyright restrictions for later publications.
Acquisition Information: Forthcoming
Access Restrictions: The record group is open to research.
Cite as [item #], Beverly O'Neill Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections & Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- Jack and Irma Cather
- Ella Cather Lewis
- Catherine Cather Lowell
- First Edition Cather novels
- WCPM materials
Related Materials:
- Jack E. and Irma Cather Family Collection
- Beverly Cooper Collection
Copyright: Copyright remains with the National Willa Cather Center unless it has been retained by the original creators or publishers: publication may be restricted in those cases, and those seeking publication of copyrighted materials should consult a copyright database or consult their institution or publisher for assistance.
Storage Unit | Type | Inventory No. | Title | Author | Date | Notes |
Box 1: Cather Family Books | Book | BK-207-001 | Literature Primer: English Literature | Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. | 1900 | |
Book | BK-207-002 | Famous Operas: Carmen | Georges Bizet | 1911 | ||
Book | BK-207-003 | Famous Operas: Meistersinger | Richard Wagner | 1912 | ||
Book | BK-207-004 | Famous Operas: Tristan and Isolde | Richard Wagner | 1912 | ||
Book | BK-207-005 | Famous Operas: Aida | Giuseppe Verdi | 1911 | ||
Book | BK-207-006 | Soldiers Three: The Story of Gadsbys in Black and White | Rudyard Kipling | 1909 | "To Jack Cather on his Commencement Day -E.M.C." | |
Book | BK-207-007 | His Own People | Booth Tarkington | 1907 | ||
Book | BK-207-008 | The World of Willa Cather | Mildred R. Bennett | 1951 | "For Mrs. Robert Lowell- Mildred R. Bennett" "In honor of Jack a boy whom I loved dearly- Carrie Miner Sherwood" | |
Book | BK-207-009 | The World of Willa Cather | Mildred R. Bennett | 1951 | "For John E. Cather- Mildred R. Bennett" "My love to Jack- Carrie Miner Sherwood" | |
Book | BK-207-010 | The Old Beauty and Others | Willa Cather | 1948 | ||
Book | BK-207-011 | Every Woman | Walter Browne | 1908 | ||
Book | BK-207-012 | Writings from Willa Cather's Campus Years | Willa Cather | 1950 | ||
Book | BK-207-013 | Sapphira and the Slave Girl | Willa Cather | 1940 | ||
Book | BK-207-014 | Youth and the Bright Medusa | Willa Cather | 1975 | ||
Book | BK-207-015 | Lucy Gayheart | Willa Cather | 1976 | ||
Book | BK-207-016 | A Lost Lady | Willa Cather | 1972 | ||
Book | BK-207-017 | Sapphira and the Slave Girl | Willa Cather | 1975 | ||
Book | BK-207-018 | The Professor's House | Willa Cather | 1973 | ||
Book | BK-207-019 | Willa Cather: A Critical Biography | E.K. Brown | 1953 | ||
Book | BK-207-020 | The Lincoln Library of Essential Information | 1934 | |||
Book | BK-207-021 | Sapphira and the Slave Girl | Willa Cather | 1975 | ||
Book | BK-207-022 | Cheerful Philosopy Poems | Burr McIntosh | 1936 | ||
Book | BK-207-023 | Cather: Death Comes for the Archbishop Notes | Cliff's Notes Incorporated | 1965 | ||
Book | BK-207-024 | Youth and the Bright Medusa | Willa Cather | 1920 | "With love from Mother" | |
Book | BK-207-059 | April Twilights | Willa Cather | 1968 | "Best Wishes, Bernice Slote" | |
Box 2: First Edition Cather | Book | BK-207-025 | A Lost Lady | Willa Cather | 1923 | |
Book | BK-207-026 | O Pioneers! | Willa Cather | 1913 | ||
Book | BK-207-027 | The Song of the Lark | Willa Cather | 1915 | ||
Book | BK-207-028 | Lucy Gayheart | Willa Cather | 1935 | ||
Book | BK-207-029 | Obscure Destinies | Willa Cather | 1932 | ||
Book | BK-207-030 | Death Comes for the Archbishop | Willa Cather | 1927 | ||
Book | BK-207-031 | The Professor's House | Willa Cather | 1925 | ||
Book | BK-207-032 | Shadows on the Rock | Willa Cather | 1931 | ||
Book | BK-207-033 | Willa Cather in Europe: Her Own Story of the First Journey | Willa Cather | 1956 | ||
Book | BK-207-034 | Willa Cather on Writing | Willa Cather | 1949 | ||
Book | BK-207-035 | The Old Beauty and Others | Willa Cather | 1948 | ||
Book | BK-207-036 | My Mortal Enemy | Willa Cather | 1926 | ||
Book | BK-207-037 | My Ántonia (Tauchnitz Edition) | Willa Cather | 1935 | ||
Book | BK-207-038 | Obscure Destinies (Tauchnitz Edition) | Willa Cather | 1933 | ||
Book | BK-207-039 | The World of Willa Cather | Mildred R. Bennett | 1951 | ||
Book | BK-207-040 | Willa Cather: A Critical Biography | E.K. Brown | 1953 | ||
Book | BK-207-041 | Early Stories of Willa Cather | Willa Cather | 1957 | ||
Book | BK-207-042 | Early Stories of Willa Cather | Willa Cather | 1957 | ||
Book | BK-207-043 | Willa Cather Living | Edith Lewis | 1953 | ||
Book | BK-207-044 | A scene from Death Comes for the Archbishop | Willa Cather | 2004 | ||
Book | BK-207-045 | "Double Birthday" from A Modern Galaxy | Willa Cather | 1930 | ||
Box 3: Cather Family Effects | Object | OBJ-207-046 | Framed Nixon family photo | unknown | undated | "To Irma Cather with warm best wishes from our family- Pat Nixon" |
Object | OBJ-207-047 | Unidentified painting | unknown | undated | ||
Object | OBJ-207-048 | Webster County Museum Box | unknown | undated | "Aunt Jessica's house Red Cloud, NE" | |
Photo | PHO-207-049 | Unidentified black and white photo of house, front facing (3.5" x 3.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-050 | Unidentified black and white photo of house, side facing (3.5" x 3.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-051 | Unidentified black and white family photo (3.5" x 3.5") | unknown | Jan. 3, 1953 | "Four generations taken at -" | |
Photo | PHO-207-052 | Signed studio portrait of Cather wearing an embroidered jacket (6 7/8" x 9 3/8") | Rinehart Marsden | 1921 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-053 | Original studio portrait print of Cather wearing necklace given to her by Sarah Orne Jewett (5" x 6.5") | Aime Dupont | 1910 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-054 | Framed photo of Cather wearing an embroidered jacket (8" x 10") | Reinhart Marsden | 1921 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-055 | The Old Mill House described in Sapphira and the Slave Girl (7" x 5") | Ella Cather | April 1976 | Taken in Gore, VA | |
Photo | PHO-207-056 | Willow Shade home of Willa Cather (7" x 5") | Ella Cather | April 1976 | Taken in Gore, VA | |
Photo | PHO-207-057 | The Old Mill described in Sapphira and the Slave Girl (7" x 5") | Ella Cather | April 1976 | Taken in Gore, VA | |
Photo | PHO-207-058 | The Old Mill House described in Sapphira and the Slave Girl (7" x 5") | Ella Cather | April 1976 | Taken in Gore, VA | |
Photo | PHO-207-060 | Unidentified black and white postcard of house (3.5" x 5.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-061 | Ella Cather Lewis, Irma Wells, Catherine Cather Lowell, and Robert Lowell (2.5" x 3.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-062 | Ella Cather Lewis, Catherine Lowell Cather, and Irma Wells Cather (3.75" x 6") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-063 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (2.5" x 3.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-064 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (2.25" x 3") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-065 | Ella Cather Lewis in graduation cap and gown (3.5" x 4.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-066 | Ella Cather Lewis and friends (3.5" x 5") | unknown | Aug. 1960 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-067 | Ella Cather Lewis on the Long Beach Flyer (3.5" x 5.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-068 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (3.25" x 4.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-069 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (2.5" x 3.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-070 | Ella Cather Lewis and Harry Lewis in Hawaii (3.5" x 5") | unknown | Sept. 1963 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-071 | Ella Cather Lewis, Harry Lewis, and Irma Wells Cather in Hawaii (3.5" x 5") | unknown | 1960 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-072 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (5" x 7") | unknown | March 1963 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-073 | Ella Cather Lewis graduation portrait (4" x 6") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-074 | Ella Cather Lewis and friends on the SS Constitution (4.5" x 6.5") | unknown | 1958 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-075 | Ella Cather Lewis portrait (8" x 10") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-076 | Ella Cather Lewis and Harry Lewis at the Hollywood Bar of Music (4.5" x 6.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-077 | Jack Cather and Irma Wells on a brick street (3.5" x 4.5") | unknown | undated | ||
Photo | PHO-207-078 | Jack Cather and Irma Wells in a pool (3.5" x 5") | unknown | 1953 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-079 | Irma Wells swimming in a pool (3.5" x 5") | unknown | 1953 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-080 | Jack Cather and Irma Wells poolside with dog (3.5" x 5") | unknown | 1953 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-081 | Irma Wells poolside with dog (3.5" x 5") | unknown | 1953 | ||
Photo | PHO-207-082 | Jack Cather, Irma Wells and family dining at Earl Carroll Theater Restaurant in Hollywood (4.5" x 6.5") | Hollywood Nite Club Photos | unknown | ||
Photo | PHO-207-083 | Group studio portrait with Irma Wells (3.5" x 4.75") | unknown | undated | ||
Object | OBJ-207-084 | Irma Wells Cather passport | Issued Jan. 4, 1962 | |||
Document | TEX-207-085 | The Savoy Hotel Christmas Card (London) | The Savoy Hotel | 1962 | ||
Document | TEX-207-086 | Letter describing postal service in Gore, VA and William Cather's involvement | Jennie Reiher | May 7, 1978 | ||
Document | TEX-207-087 | Envelope addressed to Ella Cather Lewis and Harry Lewis | Irma Wells | undated | "For Ella and Harry, With all our love, and the fervent wish for a life of love and devotion that we have had. -Mother and Dad" |
Storage Unit | Folder Name | Object Type |
Box 4: WCPM Materials | My Ántonia Movie Adaptation (1995) Clippings | Newspaper advertisement clippings |
Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Ephemera | Bumper stickers, stationery | |
Centennial Willa Cather Stamp | American Commemoratives posters and handouts, first day issued Cather stamp (1973) | |
Cather Coat of Arms | Plaque, Certificate | |
WCPM/ Cather Bios Clippings (1953-91) | Newspaper clippings | |
WCPM trivet | ||
WCPM plate | ||
Willa Cather Childhood Home Plate (1977) | ||
WCPM metal flower keychain | ||
WCMP pencils | ||
Lucy Gayheart stationery | ||
Red Cloud town stationary | ||
Willa Cather Childhood Home stationery | ||
WCPM wooden plaque | ||
WCPM paperweight | ||
Cather Crest stationery |
Storage Unit | Type | Title | Author | Date |
Box Five: Cather Related Books | Book | Willa Cather: A Pictorial Memoir | Bernice Slot; photographs by Lucia Woods | 1973 |
Book | The Landscape and the Looking Glass:Willa Cather's Search for Value | John H. Randall III | 1960 | |
Book | The Song of the Lark | Willa Cather | 1978 | |
Book | My Mortal Enemy | Willa Cather | 1954 | |
Book | Three Stories of the West: Obscure Destinies | Willa Cather | 1974 | |
Book | The Song of the Lark | Willa Cather | 1988 | |
Book | The Troll Garden | Willa Cather | 1961 | |
Book | Friend of My Springtime | Willa Cather | 1974 | |
Book | Friend of My Springtime | Willa Cather | 1974 | |
Book | O Pioneers! | Willa Cather | 1990 | |
Book | April Twilights | Willa Cather | 1968 | |
Book | April Twilights | Willa Cather | 1968 | |
Magazine | Prairie Schooner: Emily Dickinson Edition (vol. 51 no. 4) | 1977-78 | ||
Magazine | Cobblestone: The History Magazine for Young People "Willa Cather: 1873-1947 America's Novelist, Nebraska's Pioneer" (vol. 1 no. 12) | Dec. 1980 | ||
Magazine | National Geographic: "Willa Cather: The Voice of the American Frontier" (vol. 162 no. 1982) | William Howarth | July 1982 | |
Book | The Privilege of his Company: Noel Coward Remembered | William Marchant | 1975 | |
Book | The Art of Willa Cather | Alderman Library | 1980 | |
Book | Cather: Death Comes for the Archbishop Notes | Cliff's Notes Incorporated | 1965 | |
Book | These Too Were Here: Louise Homer and Willa Cather | Elizabeth Moorhead | 1950 | |
Magazine | The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine: "Willa Cather's Early Career: Origins of a Legend" (vol. 65 no. 2) | Helen C. Southwick | April 1982 | |
Book | A Lost Lady | Willa Cather | 1923 | |
Book | One of Ours | Willa Cather | 1971 | |
Book | April Twilights and Other Poems | Willa Cather | 1923 | |
Book | A Lost Lady | Willa Cather | 1923 | |
Object | My Ántonia VHS tape | unknown | undated | |
Object | "Paul's Case" VHS tape | unknown | undated | |
Object | O Pioneers! VHS tape | unknown | undated |