Willa Cather's Red Cloud
"I'm not exaggerating, Carrie, when I confide to you that I would rather go home to Red Cloud than to any of the beautiful cities in Europe where I used to love to go . . ."
-Willa Cather in a letter to Carrie Miner Sherwood
Red Cloud, Nebraska is not just a destination. It’s a place where literature and culture merge with the pleasures of a quiet country town and its prairie surroundings. To visit Red Cloud is to experience a town and entire landscapes, largely unchanged, as world-famous author Willa Cather knew them as a young girl and throughout her life. Red Cloud is a rural town of 1,020 people far from any city or suburban sprawl. It is a welcoming and friendly spot to pause and refresh or entirely regroup away from it all. Red Cloud is an oasis on the prairie — yet only a short scenic drive between two major Federal Interstates while at the crossroads of two state highways (one a designated scenic byway), both their own direct but tranquil journeys.