Burlington Depot

Depots in general played a significant role in Willa Cather's writings. The original two-story section of the depot, constructed in 1897, is the building Cather was familiar with during her last years in Red Cloud. Red Cloud was on the main line of the Burlington and Missouri between Kansas City and Denver. At one time, eight passenger trains (and several grain and livestock trains) passed through town daily, making the Red Cloud Depot a busy and exciting place.

Farmers and Merchants Bank

This building, constructed in 1888 and known as the Garber Bank, was erected by Silas Garber, former Union Army Officer, the founder of Red Cloud (1871), and the third governor of Nebraska (1875-1879) who served two terms. Designed in by Lincoln, Nebraska, architects, the Farmers and Merchants Bank retains its Colorado stone façade, its marble steps, and its teller cages shipped by rail from Chicago.

J.L. Miner House

Built in 1878, the Miner house is one of the finest historic homes in Red Cloud. Although a more simplified, vernacular interpretation of the Italianate style, the house is the best example of the style in Red Cloud. Willa Cather's first playmate in Red Cloud was Mary Miner. Cather became friends with all of the Miner children, but especially Carrie. She wrote to Carrie regularly throughout her life, and her book My Ántonia is dedicated "To Carrie and Irene Miner, In memory of affections old and true." The J.L.

Willa Cather Childhood Home

A National Historic Landmark

The Childhood Home, the treasure of our restored buildings, contains many family artifacts including furniture, canned goods, prints and artwork, and family photographs and books. Grandma Boak's room evokes the description in Cather's short story "Old Mrs. Harris." Upstairs, a "story within itself," is young Willa's small attic bedroom, which closely resembles Thea Kronborg's in The Song of the Lark. Willa is believed to have wallpapered this room herself, taking the wallpaper as pay for her work at Dr. Cook's drug store.

Grace Episcopal Church

Grace Episcopal was the Cathers' church beginning in 1922. Two of the beautiful custom painted glass windows, manufactured by the Emil Frei Company of St. Louis, were purchased by Willa Cather in memory of her parents, Charles and Mary Virginia Cather. The communion rail was imported from Spain and was given in memory of her brother Douglass. 

St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Church

It was here that Annie Pavelka, the prototype for Ántonia, baptized her baby and later married. The building, erected in 1883 and used until 1903, later became a residential home. Visitors will notice the "poor man's stained glass" windows and the lack of a bell in the belfry. These are important reminders of the economic divisions in Red Cloud. The priest didn't live in Red Cloud, instead traveling by train to give Mass. The train engineer would blow the whistle in a special way if the priest was aboard to let the parishioners know that Mass was about to begin.