
Rarely Seen Willa Cather Postcard on Exhibit

In the recent transfer of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial collection, we were happy to run across this postcard of Willa Cather to Charles Moore. Written during her first trip to Europe in 1902, Cather sent the card from Stratford-upon-Avon, telling Moore that she has just sent him “some photographs of this beautiful place.” Moore’s niece later donated the prints and postcard to the National Willa Cather Center, though she never found the “pack of letters” from Cather that she recalled seeing in her childhood. Moore was one of Cather’s Lincoln acquaintances and the nephew of R.E. Moore, a Lincoln financier and president of First National Bank of Red Cloud after 1882. The snake ring that Cather wore (now a part of the American Bittersweet exhibit) was a gift from Charley Moore, according to Elsie Cather’s recollections. The postcard and prints will remain on display at the National Willa Cather Center through October.