Supporting the Arts—and Your Business!
"Our sponsors represent some of the most passionate arts enthusiasts in our area. I love to see which shows they decide to sponsor each year, and how closely my predictions align with their interests."
Meet our development coordinator, Jeniffer Beahm, who facilitates our Red Cloud Opera House sponsorship program each year and works closely with our cherished sponsors. This will be Jeniffer’s third season with us and she’s excited to meet with the variety of sponsors that support our Opera House programming: both old friends, and new!
Apart from publicity and exposure for their business, what else benefits someone in partnering with RCOH in their sponsorship?
Sponsors receive everything from tables for their group of four or eight to perks when hosting an event at the Red Cloud Opera House, like waiving set-up and clean-up fees. Our sponsors receive great ticket bundles to use throughout the season, and that’s definitely one of the most popular benefits, as some will share these tickets with clients or use them to host an outing for employees or their friends.
What is new for 2025 in our RCOH Sponsorship Program?
We have a lot that’s new this year. We significantly increased the number of tickets sponsors receive. For example, our Director level sponsorship of $2,000 comes with 32 tickets (versus 14 last year). That’s enough to fill an eight-person table at four separate opera house shows or to share as bundles for general admission seating. Additionally, tables are now exclusively available for our sponsors. We even added four-person table opportunities so that every sponsor has the chance to sit at a table for at least one show!
What do you enjoy most about working with our sponsors?
Our sponsors represent some of the most passionate arts enthusiasts in our area. I love to see which shows they decide to sponsor each year, and how closely my predictions align with their interests. I really enjoy catching up with our sponsors on show days, too. It’s been a pleasure to get to know our regular sponsors well, and this year we have a number of new sponsors who have great connections to the community.
What are you most excited about with our programming this year?
This is my third Opera House season, and I must say it’s my favorite lineup. We really do have a show for everyone—a little bit of country, hits from the 80s and 90s, classical music, family-friendly entertainment, and so much more. Personally, I’m very excited for Lauren Anderson’s soulful rock. I saw her in concert last year and was blown away. I think the two-night “Blue Christmas” Elvis tribute in December will bring in some fun holiday parties.
What else might potential sponsors want to know about you or the sponsorship program?
First, sponsorships are not just limited to a single family or business. This year we already have two sponsoring groups made up of friends who want to show their collective support for the amazing programming we provide and share the benefits, like sitting together at a table. Please do not be shy about contacting me with questions about our sponsorship program. Sponsorships are vital to the success of the opera house season. Without this generous support, we could not bring in the number of performers that we do nor have such high quality experiences.
Our Sponsorship Program—All the Details!
To meet with Jeniffer—by phone or in person—contact her at jbeahm@WillaCather.org or (402) 746-2653.