Road Scholars Visit Red Cloud
In early October 2019, sixteen Road Scholars spent an immersive five days engaged in a special program planned through the National Willa Cather Center. With a well-planned itinerary offered through the Road Scholar program—”Red Cloud: Willa Cather’s Window to the World”—participants enjoyed lectures by Willa Cather scholars, toured each of our historic sites, had a tour of our Special Collections & Archives, and visited the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie.
They also experienced our “Country Tour” on board a vintage trolley that successfully navigated the grid matrix of dirt roads of Webster County. It included stops at the George Cather home (now a bed and breakfast) and Pavelka Farmstead. They also watched a special screening of the documentary production of Oceans of Grass at the Red Cloud Opera House.
Throughout their visit, our education staff led the group in lively discussions on several of Willa Cather’s novels, while noted Cather scholars Chuck Peek, Andrew Jewell, and Daryl Palmer spoke on different aspects of Cather’s life and writing. During their stay, Road Scholars enjoy local hospitality and meals.
Many were seasoned travelers through the Road Scholar program. Among some of their reviews:
“This was a delightful combination of literature, history, and staying at the Cather Second Home in Red Cloud was amazing! It is a wonderful way to connect with the content of the program.”
“This was a powerful program that introduced me to Willa Cather’s writings. It was well-organized and intense. Loved it! Really enjoyed staying in the Cather Second Home and engaging with so many interesting, wonderful people. Even enjoyed the Nebraska landscape. This has just begun my quest for more Cather works.”
“The Willa Cather program offers one the opportunity to experience her writings and learn more about her life in the setting that so greatly influenced her work. As a bonus you will feel the joy of spending time in our country’s heartland, the prairie, and one of its charming small towns—a step back in time with an amazing author center and its forward-looking staff.”
We thank each of our Road Scholars for making the trip to Red Cloud, and we appreciate their intelligent and enthusiastic participation. Our staff were delighted to meet and interact with this group from across the country.
You, too, can have an in-depth experience at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud! Our town and country tours, Willa Cather Memorial Prairie visit, and unique glimpse into our Special Collections & Archives, open up the world and legacy of Willa Cather to our visitors. Book a special “A Walk in Her Footsteps” three-day tour weekend or contact our education staff to help shape your ideal group tour experience:
Tracy Tucker, Education Director: ttucker@willacather.org
Rachel Olsen, Education Specialist: rolsen@willacather.org