
Celebrate Cather's Birthday!

Willa Cather's 141st birthday is Sunday, December 7, 2014. As a way of celebrating her place in American culture and raising some financial support for her Foundation, would you consider hosting a party in her honor? You choose the date—preferably within a month or so of her birthday—and you choose the kind of party, the number of guests and the suggested donation. Invitations and publicity about the events will be provided by the Willa Cather Foundation.

In the past, a variety of events have been held to honor Cather's birthday including: book readings, decorated Christmas tree auctions, tea and cocktail parties, game night with friends, and a true birthday party complete with cake. Previously designed to celebrate Cather's birthday, we hope to hold "Celebrate Cather" parties at various times throughout the year and in a number of locations across the country. Any month is a good time to introduce your friends, family, students, and colleagues to the work of Willa Cather. The possibilities are endless!