Cather Birthday Celebrations
Willa Cather's 140th birthday is Saturday, December 7th. As a way of celebrating her place in American culture and raising some financial support for her Foundation, would you consider hosting a party in Willa's honor?
You choose the date--preferably within a month of her birthday--and you choose the kind of party, the number of guests and the amount of donation. For example, a morning coffee with some Cather-related readings and food might be $10-$20, while a plated dinner might be $100. Our office has created a party invitation for you to complete and send to your guests.
All donations support the Willa Cather Foundation's educational programming, and the Foundation will provide you with a charitable donation receipt for the expense of hosting the party.
The special edition book "December Night," a scene from Death Comes for the Archbishop, is perfect for a reading or a gift. We also have a wonderful selection of Cather items from our bookstore if you are interested in offering those at your event.
Event publicity will be provided by the WCF through our website and Facebook page. It will be exciting to know there will be 20-30 parties happening collectively around the United States and around the world. Last year, celebrations took place in New York, NY; Omaha, Lincoln, Red Cloud, and Hastings, NE; and Logan, UT. We hope for even more parties in 2014 and that this tradition will become an annual event, much like the birthday celebrations of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and Jane Austen.
I hope you will consider joining us. You can register to host a party by replying by email ( ) or phone (402-746-2653402-746-2653).