Westbound Train: A Celebration of Willa Cather in Music and Food
Ferguson House
700 S 16th St
Lincoln, NE 68508
United States
The Willa Cather Foundation invites you to join us on Friday, October 7, 2016, for a unique evening designed to celebrate renowned novelist, Willa Cather. This is our first signature event in Lincoln, featuring the cuisine and creativity of Omaha chef Paul Kulik, of the Boiler Room Restaurant, Le Bouillon and Via Farina. Here's what's in store.
“I can say, for starters, if Willa were to attend, I think she’d be pleased with what she would find,”Kulik said, laughing. “That’s the guiding principle of the menu. We wanted to make something that would make her proud and happy. There are some references that she made to a few drinks, and those will also be provided. I think it’s going to be exciting.”
Guests will also thrill to a light and amusing taste of unknown Cather with a staged reading of her comic piece West Bound Train and a light-hearted vaudeville revue with period musical numbers, featuring Teri Fender, Bill Grennan, and Bill Hoover.
This unique evening is one you won't want to miss! Please reserve your tickets in advance. Seating is limited! All tickets will be held at the door.
Proceeds to benefit the work of the Willa Cather Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting Cather’s legacy through education, preservation, and the arts.