ROCK Legends
Red Cloud Opera House
413 North Webster Street
Red Cloud, NE 68970
United States
Billy McGuigan and his band are returning to the Red Cloud Opera House. The group that last brought us Yesterday & Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience at a sold out 2015 show will return on Saturday, January 30, at 7:00 pm, with ROCK Legends. Part rock concert…part rock tribute…all rock n’ roll, ROCK Legends combines all of these elements to create a show that is the only one of its kind. In this unique rock and roll revue, audiences are given the opportunity to vote, through the power of their applause, for the songs and music they want to hear.
This audience customized rock concert will take patrons on a journey from the 50’s rock and roll of Elvis, Buddy, and Patsy Cline, to the psychedelic 60s of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin. They’ll hit the groove of the 70’s with the Bee Gees, Fleetwood Mac, and the Eagles; dazzle with the piano men, Billy and Elton; and even dabble in the music of the 80s with the likes of Tom Petty, U2 and more!
The band includes members Billy McGuigan, Mathew McGuigan, Ryan McGuigan, Jay Hanson, Rich Miller, and Tara Vaughan. Billy McGuigan and his brothers grew up being entertained by their guitar-playing father, a Tech Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, while he was home from duty. This upbringing instilled Billy and brothers with a love of the songs that take them back to those days. Today, those memories fuel Billy’s innate talent and desire to bring good times through music to others across the nation.
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Curt and Mary Brumbaugh
Heritage Bank
South Central State Bank