Pollinator Workshop
Willa Cather Memorial Prairie
5 miles South of Red Cloud on HWY 281
Red Cloud, NE 68970
United States
The Willa Cather Foundation will host its second Pollinator Workshop on the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie on September 6, 2016. This free event is a perfect way to introduce prairie ecology to elementary and middle school students and for them to explore the spectacular autumn prairie! Students will participate in hands-on activities that explore pollination, create habitat for native bees and butterflies, identify important prairie grass and forb species, and investigate pollinator populations on the prairie.
Classroom materials are available to educators for grades 5-8 that meet NSEA standards in science and language arts, as well as Strand 2 of Nebraska's Science/Environmental Education Crosswalk. Butterfly rearing kits and caterpillars are available on a first come, first served basis, and with a little luck we will release our monarchs on the prairie!
For more information about the workshop, or to RSVP by September 1, please contact education director Tracy Tucker, at 402-746-2653 or ttucker@WillaCather.org.