The Growth of an Artist: Commemorating 100 Years of The Song of the Lark
Red Cloud Opera House
413 North Webster Street
Red Cloud, NE 68970
United States
To celebrate the publication centenary of Willa Cather’s novel The Song of the Lark, the Willa Cather Foundation has invited artists from across Nebraska or with Nebraska ties to participate in an exhibition entitled The Growth of an Artist: Commemorating 100 Years of The Song of the Lark. Artists participating will create works in various mediums inspired by many themes present in the novel’s text and their work will be on display during the 60th annual Willa Cather Spring Conference, which will center on Cather’s use of the arts in The Song of the Lark.
Participating artists include: Jenine Wilhelms (Blue Hill, NE), Deb Kubik (Auburn,NE), Amy Springer (Red Cloud, NE), Carol Thompson (Eagle, NE), Toni Turnquist (Omaha, NE), Mark Moseman (David City, NE), David McCleery (Lincoln, NE), Margaret Krug (New York, NY), Richard Schilling (Loveland, CO), Travis Hencey (Chadron, NE), Gwen Lewis (Lebanon, KS), Margaret Berry (Lincoln, NE), Jane Marie (Hastings, NE), Jeremy Daniels (Hastings, NE), Betty Kort (Hastings, NE), Kim (Reid Kuhn) Darling (Omaha, NE), Sally Jurgensmeier (Heartwell, NE), Nancy Childs (Lincoln, NE), and Cody Carson-Brown (Hastings, NE).