The Diamond Image: A Neil Diamond Tribute
Red Cloud Opera House
413 N Webster St.
Red Cloud, NE 68970
United States
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A Neil Diamond Tribute is a Broadway style Branson production, in which Diamond look/sound alike, Keith Allynn, unveils the story of Diamond's life and career through his own songs from the 60's through today while weaving his own comical career journey from Elvis tribute artist to Neil Diamond, all for the love of a woman. Quick change magic, a unique salute to our veterans, and all Diamond's top hits make this a must see for audiences of all ages.
Keith Allynn has entertained audiences for over 23 years. At the tender age of 14 he began his career in stand-up comedy crowd warming for such acts as Robin Williams, Chris Rock and Tim Allen. At age 21 he discovered his musical talents performing an Elvis song at karaoke. The crowd went crazy and Keith was hooked! Soon he became an Elvis Tribute Artist where he performed and competed as for several years. In 2004 he was voted on by Graceland as being a top 10 Elvis Tribute Artist in the World. Later wanting to impress a girl who loved Neil Diamond, Keith called her on the phone and in his best Neil voice sang her “Hello Again” from the “Jazz Singer”. That became her song, she became his wife and he became The Diamond Image.
Featured recently in the documentary film, Diamond Mountain, Keith’s success as a Neil Diamond Tribute artist continues to soar, with multiple Branson Show Award titles including Tribute Artist and Tribute Show of the Year, multiple Trip Advisor certificates, and bookings coast to coast, all while performing Tuesday through Friday in Branson, Mo. March through December.