Complete and Great
Red Cloud Opera House Art Gallery
413 North Webster Street
Red Cloud, NE 68970
United States
My Ántonia, Willa Cather's celebrated novel, continues to inspire the work of artists around the world. Complete and Great showcases the work of a number of regional and national artists as they explore the themes and settings of the novel through their preferred media. The exhibit will be showing during the 63rd annual Willa Cather Spring Conference May 31-June 3. The theme for this year's conference is "Here at Last Is an American Novel": Celebrating 100 Years of My Ántonia.
Artists participating in the show:
Ken Anderson
Margaret Berry
Louise Bereuter
Shane Booth
Jim Condron
Mark Daharsh
Jeremy Daniels
Kim Darling
William Cather Hook
Gezine Janzen
Donel Keeler
Margaret Krug
Barb Kudrna
Christi Lewis
Gwen Lewis
David McCleery
Mary Merkel-Hess
Martha (Vestecka) Miller
Jorn Olsen
Renee Korner Rivera
Sarah Rowe
Richard Schilling
Norma Stevens
Mary Ann Strandell
Linda Stych
Tracy Sanford Tucker
Toni Turnquist
Mary Vaughan
Linda Welsch
Katherine Weiss
Larry Zvolanek