830 Exhibit
Red Cloud Opera House Auditoruim Gallery
413 North Webster Street
Red Cloud, NE
United States
The exhibit runs from September 1st to September 30th.
Join us for a couple of 830 mile long conversations. This Auditorium exhibit will show case life across Nebraska showing “Small Town, Small Talk, Statewide Impact”
On September 27th at 2 pm we are delighted to welcome Stuart Chittenden will be here to talk about his 830 mile long conversation!
More about the show from the artist:
A couple of 830 mile long conversations is a long hello to and from Nebraska. One mile at a time, one conversation at a time, this project is about exploring and building connections in the state. I am an expat Brit now living in Omaha who, driven by a belief in the ability of conversation to spur community, will travel the side roads of the state in an RV to engage with Nebraskans. I will set up a public conversation space in towns on the route and talk with residents about their lives, their cultures and their stories. In these conversations, I traveled through places to discover people and, in so doing, reveal Nebraska to ourselves.