7th annual Prairie Writers' Workshop
Mark your calendars for the 7th annual Prairie Writers' Workshop, to be be held May 14 - 18, 2014 in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
This year, our workshop will be led by poet and editrix Glenna Luschei. Luschei has published the poetry magazines Cafe Solo, Solo, and Solo Cafe for fifty years. She has received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a D.H. Lawrence Fellowship in Taos, an honorary Doctorate of Literature from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian College, and a Master of Life Award from her alma mater, the University of Nebraska. She was named Poet Laureate of San Luis Obispo City and County for the year 2000.
Glenna has published numerous books of poetry; her poetry has appeared in journals including Blue Mesa Review, New Mexico Quarterly, New Mexico Review, Prairie Schooner, and Parnassus.
Lincoln artist, Margaret Berry, will be the featured artist during the workshop. Her primary art medium is encaustic painting, in which hot wax is combined with pigments to create pieces not only rich in color, but also with incredible texture. For this workshop and art exhibit, Margaret has produced artwork inspired by Glenna's poetry, while Glenna has selected pieces of Margaret's work to inspire her poetry. The intertwining of art and literature leads to a form of poetry refered to as ekphrastic poetry.
In addition to twenty hours of direct instruction from a professional writer, the workshop incorporates tours of seven historic sites relating to Cather's life and work; visits to the 612-acre Willa Cather Memorial Prairie with time for on-site nature writing; and a public reading and reception. To view a workshop schedule and register, CLICK HERE